This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.

Manny's 70 Day Schedule

The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.

"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

The Schedule

Here is Manny and Brenda's provisional schedule.

The plan is to start on Harris with Clisham on Saturday 25th April, then polish off the island Corbetts first with a sail down the Scottish west coast taking in Skye, Rum, Mull, Jura and Arran en route. The idea is to hit the mainland at Troon around the 1st of May to tackle the Galloway and Borders hills during 3rd and 4th May, before the long cycle north to arrive at the Arrochar hill for 6th May.

No doubt the schedule will vary over time, so please check this blog for the current status of Manny and Brenda's progress.


Charlie Campbell said...

Oh Man(ny), This is a mouth-watering schedule with some crazy days, esp towards the end. Good luck to you pal, and to Brenda who is gonna have to suffer you all that time. Enjoy the highs and lows in every sense. Go for it and Best wishes. Charlie

Jethro Lennox said...

Best wishes for your run. Will have a look at the schedule and see if I can join you for any of them. If not will follow with interest on the blog. Hope you get the weather. Jethro

Swaz said...

Manda, you nutter - will look forward to seeing you early May. Jenny reckons she'll be blabing with Brenny in the van and unlikely you will see her off road. I will see what kinda form I'm in Sat 9th and Sun 10th.

Hope you get wind in your boat and not on your hills!!

Team Swanny Jez

Chris said...

Good luck Manny!
Provided you get the islands out the way OK, I'll aim to join you on May 2nd and 3rd, and perhaps May 10th. Chris

Stuart said...

That is one big task you are setting yourself, best of luck. Hope you keep the blog up to date as I will enjoy following your progress.

Busy doing the Corbetts myself, a bit slower than your target, I reckon about 8 Years, it took me 7 years to do the Munros :-)

Archie said...
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Archie said...

Hope you two are bloody organized!! looking forward to the first part of the voyage, here's hoping for favourable Trade Winds. See you at Uig

Damon Rodwell said...

On you go, Bigman! Looking forward to sharing the Arran and border hills with you, so if you're planning to burst an ankle (almost inevitable, given your track record!), try to do it after May 4th...
"If you can force your heart and nerve and sinew
To serve their turn long after they are gone
And so, hold on when nothing's left with you
Except the will which says to you, 'Hold On'"