Well, after months of poring over maps, gps routes and endlessly checking contours I have come up with some figures to put against the 70 days.
Sailing approx 200 - 250 miles, no gps confirmation so simply measured off maps.
On foot - 998 miles & 420,673ft of ascent
On road bike - 1115 miles & 91,324ft of ascent
On MTB - 295 miles & 31,645ft of ascent
Total 2408 miles & 543,642ft of ascent
The bike and foot miles are almost exactly what I pre estimated, but the ascent is surprising.
I had thought the on-foot ascent would be considerably more, but have checked it quite carefully so can accept it.
The on-bike ascents were a big shock - 123,000ft!! I hadn't counted on that.
I have been as careful as I can with manual map checks but it is still an amazing figure, but becomes more believeable when you break it down to a per mile figure of only 87ft, despite the lumpy west coast of Scotland!
There have been many happy post mortems & parties of the Round and I hope to soon have a manageable selection of of the some 5000 photos ready for a few slide shows/beers for all my friends who came along and made it possible - and of course anyone else who fancies it!
Since the disasterous bike crash Brenny is slowly on the mend and the last visit to Raigmore confirms the healing is going as well as expected. Yesterday was a huge milestone in that recovery process when she completed (very carefully!) the Meall a Bhuachaile hill race in the Cairngorms to not only complete the Scottish Hill Runners Championship and claim her prized SHR completion mug, but also in the process claimed 1st place in the Westies Summer League hill racing championship! We couldn't have guessed at such a fantastic finish to such a dramtic season for both of us, but now at least Brenny can sit back and soak up her own personal achievement after many weeks of pain!
A note of thanks to JD for being the first person to congratulate her on the line.
It was much appreciated.
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible at one of the slide shows.
This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.
Manny's 70 Day Schedule
The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.
"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)
Manny's 70 Day Schedule
The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.
"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Thursday, August 20, 2009
39 days later - Brenda does Ben Loyal.
Wednesday 12th August - Ben Loyal
Manny, the boys & myself headed north on Monday afternoon after having spent the morning packing the van. This was after me trying to clean the cooker & wash down the shower as the rest of the van had already been cleaned by a friend. We headed to Inverness to do some Tesco shopping and a visit to the cinema as the boys wanted to see the new Harry Potter Film. We spent the night on the short cut road between Alness & Bonar Bridge as we thought the road would be a bit quieter.
We had a long lie on Tuesday morning then made our way up to Tongue with lots of cups of tea stops, a bit of reading and taking in the scenery. This was very different to what I was last used to as every stop normally involved around making tea, rolls, complan, pasta etc. We arrived at Tongue late afternoon just as it started raining so we went to the pub for a quick pint hoping the rain would stop to at least get a bit of fresh air before dinner. We had a quick walk to the castle in Tongue then headed off to find a nice place to park up for the night. We found a nice quiet spot overlooking Ben Loyal.
Wednesday morning the alarm went off and yet again we heard rain, so back to sleep for another long lie in, well I am on holiday…. We get up in time for brunch, get organised as the rain had stopped so we headed to Ribgill Farm for Ben Loyal. We headed off late afternoon passing 3 folk on the way up and got to the top where the views where magnificent and then we hid out of the wind and have a bite to eat. A couple of pictures were taken and then headed back down the hill. A couple of light showers came in but nothing serious. Back to the van to have tea, when we realised that the Scotland game had already started so we abandoned dinner and headed to the Tongue Hotel to see if the game was on and yes it was but unfortunately at that time it was 3-0 down. Had a couple of pints, and now it was 4-0 to Norway then back to the van for tea. Got another lovely parking spot for the night. We all had a game of monopoly in the van.
Thursday morning, well yes another long lie in, getting used to having everything done for me, this trip has gone complete reverse. Manny driving, cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping – well just about everything while I just sit back & relax.
We spent the day just chilling out, lots of stops & a visit around Smoo Cave at Durness. Then from here on it was rather strange as it brought back memories of the accident as I passed the Spar shop where Chris had to go in and ask for the dialling code for Durness so he could phone the out of hours as the Surgery had just closed. We then passed the Surgery and out onto the road which was a bit familiar, more single track roads. We found another quiet spot that night but the midges were a nightmare.
Friday morning we were heading home as I had a Physio appointment in the afternoon & on the way home we passed the parking space where I was parked & saw the track that I was on but did not want to go and check out the “accident spot”. I could remember bits of the journey on the night I was taken to Raigmore especially when Chris just about had us both in a ditch as he was trying to stay awake. Chris had the music on/off, heater on/off, windows up/down as he only had a few hours sleep the night before, he thought he had food poisoning.
Thanks to all who joined us on the trip, all who followed the blog & all who turned up for the surprise party, it was a very memorable trip & I am just pleased now that I made it up Ben Loyal & on road to recovery.
Thank you all once again. Brenda
Manny, the boys & myself headed north on Monday afternoon after having spent the morning packing the van. This was after me trying to clean the cooker & wash down the shower as the rest of the van had already been cleaned by a friend. We headed to Inverness to do some Tesco shopping and a visit to the cinema as the boys wanted to see the new Harry Potter Film. We spent the night on the short cut road between Alness & Bonar Bridge as we thought the road would be a bit quieter.
We had a long lie on Tuesday morning then made our way up to Tongue with lots of cups of tea stops, a bit of reading and taking in the scenery. This was very different to what I was last used to as every stop normally involved around making tea, rolls, complan, pasta etc. We arrived at Tongue late afternoon just as it started raining so we went to the pub for a quick pint hoping the rain would stop to at least get a bit of fresh air before dinner. We had a quick walk to the castle in Tongue then headed off to find a nice place to park up for the night. We found a nice quiet spot overlooking Ben Loyal.
Wednesday morning the alarm went off and yet again we heard rain, so back to sleep for another long lie in, well I am on holiday…. We get up in time for brunch, get organised as the rain had stopped so we headed to Ribgill Farm for Ben Loyal. We headed off late afternoon passing 3 folk on the way up and got to the top where the views where magnificent and then we hid out of the wind and have a bite to eat. A couple of pictures were taken and then headed back down the hill. A couple of light showers came in but nothing serious. Back to the van to have tea, when we realised that the Scotland game had already started so we abandoned dinner and headed to the Tongue Hotel to see if the game was on and yes it was but unfortunately at that time it was 3-0 down. Had a couple of pints, and now it was 4-0 to Norway then back to the van for tea. Got another lovely parking spot for the night. We all had a game of monopoly in the van.
Thursday morning, well yes another long lie in, getting used to having everything done for me, this trip has gone complete reverse. Manny driving, cooking, washing, cleaning, shopping – well just about everything while I just sit back & relax.
We spent the day just chilling out, lots of stops & a visit around Smoo Cave at Durness. Then from here on it was rather strange as it brought back memories of the accident as I passed the Spar shop where Chris had to go in and ask for the dialling code for Durness so he could phone the out of hours as the Surgery had just closed. We then passed the Surgery and out onto the road which was a bit familiar, more single track roads. We found another quiet spot that night but the midges were a nightmare.
Friday morning we were heading home as I had a Physio appointment in the afternoon & on the way home we passed the parking space where I was parked & saw the track that I was on but did not want to go and check out the “accident spot”. I could remember bits of the journey on the night I was taken to Raigmore especially when Chris just about had us both in a ditch as he was trying to stay awake. Chris had the music on/off, heater on/off, windows up/down as he only had a few hours sleep the night before, he thought he had food poisoning.
Thanks to all who joined us on the trip, all who followed the blog & all who turned up for the surprise party, it was a very memorable trip & I am just pleased now that I made it up Ben Loyal & on road to recovery.
Thank you all once again. Brenda
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Determination sees Manny home
Published: 08 July, 2009 - Strathspey & Badenoch Herald
A BADENOCH man battled on to complete a record-breaking run round of all the Corbetts with a "heavy heart and legs" after his partner smashed her shoulder the day before his quest was due to end.
Manny Gorman, (41), from Kingussie, climbed all Scotland's 219 Corbetts in 70 days, running, cycling and sailing between far-flung peaks.
He achieved the remarkable goal when he reached the summit of Ben Loyal on Friday.
Manny is the first athlete to run all the Corbetts and travel between them without using motorised transport.
However, despite the months of meticulous planning, and overcoming a knee injury which threatened to derail the attempt half way through, the Highland Council housing officer's final triumph was wracked with tension.
As he crouched to get out of the howling wind on top of the mountain near Tongue in Sutherland, his 31-year-old partner, Brenda Paul, lay on an operating table in Inverness undergoing surgery on a badly injured shoulder.
After providing vital support since the trip began, disaster struck at the eleventh hour when Brenda crashed off Manny's bike en route to the final drop off point of the gruelling trip.
She bravely made her way unaided back to the couple's camper van which had been their mobile base throughout the trip.
Brenda was found there by support team member Chris Upson, who rushed her to the doctor's surgery in Durness, then to accident and emergency at Raigmore Hospital.
Manny was making his way off the second last Corbett, Fionaven, to be greeted by the news that Brenda was awaiting complex orthopaedic surgery for a dislocated shoulder.
"I was completely crushed on Thursday night with Brenda's news," he wrote on his blog. "I wasn't going to do the final day, it was all very dark. Hills didn't matter then - but they do.
"They get your head straight again, they clear the cobwebs away and flush the mind clean."
Manny admits he "hid in the van" that night, not wanting to face anyone except his two boys Duncan, (10), and Manuel, (12). "After the head spinning for hours and virtually no sleep I knew just had to do what Brenda wanted me to do - finish it."
On Friday morning, Manny set off for Ben Loyal.
"The day was sunny, hot but windy," he said. "Eventually with my boys Manuel and Duncan by my side, and a lump in my throat, I walked up onto the lovely top of An Caisteal, of Ben Loyal and it was over.
"Brenda was there with me just the same."
She told the "Strathy" how adrenaline took over and determination to help her partner finish the marathon challenge stayed foremost in her mind.
"I knew I was injured but kept thinking that after all the hard work and planning Manny needed to finish; adrenaline kept me going and I got back to the van.
"The pain and realisation really kicked in when we were on the way to Inverness. But during all the time I was still willing Manny to finish, and helped convince him to carry on and do the final hill."
She said she was "delighted and proud" that Manny had now finished the challenge. "It's a magnificent achievement for everyone involved.
The couple said that had it not been for friends, family and supporters from Westerlands Cross Country Running Club in Glasgow the record-breaking run would never have been completed.
Special thanks also went to their employers Highland Council for making it possible for them to take leave for the adventure, and sponsors the Cairngorms Brewery and Mike Bikes in Aviemore.
Former leader of Cairngorms Mountain Rescue Team John Allen and his wife, Anne, sailed Manny to island and remote west coast Corbetts during the first part of the trip, which began on April 25.
"Sailing down the west coast without using the engine was totally amazing," said Manny.
The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500ft and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft climb on all sides.
The record for climbing the 284 Munros is held by fellow Westerlands club member Charlie Campbell, who completed them in 48 1/2 days.
"I wanted to do something a bit different and a running round of Corbetts has never been done before," Manny explained.
"It was more about the journey though and the record's just a wee bonus which is there for the taking if someone fancies giving it a go!"
The attempt almost foundered - and was set back several days - when Manny himself was injured in a bike crash near Strontian.
Manny said: "There certainly were ups and downs and it was looking bleak when I came off the bike.
"I started it just for me, plain selfish me – but in the end I finished it for Brenda and for every single person who helped or supported along the way. It wasn't just about the hills but the people too."
A BADENOCH man battled on to complete a record-breaking run round of all the Corbetts with a "heavy heart and legs" after his partner smashed her shoulder the day before his quest was due to end.
Manny Gorman, (41), from Kingussie, climbed all Scotland's 219 Corbetts in 70 days, running, cycling and sailing between far-flung peaks.
He achieved the remarkable goal when he reached the summit of Ben Loyal on Friday.
Manny is the first athlete to run all the Corbetts and travel between them without using motorised transport.
However, despite the months of meticulous planning, and overcoming a knee injury which threatened to derail the attempt half way through, the Highland Council housing officer's final triumph was wracked with tension.
As he crouched to get out of the howling wind on top of the mountain near Tongue in Sutherland, his 31-year-old partner, Brenda Paul, lay on an operating table in Inverness undergoing surgery on a badly injured shoulder.
After providing vital support since the trip began, disaster struck at the eleventh hour when Brenda crashed off Manny's bike en route to the final drop off point of the gruelling trip.
She bravely made her way unaided back to the couple's camper van which had been their mobile base throughout the trip.
Brenda was found there by support team member Chris Upson, who rushed her to the doctor's surgery in Durness, then to accident and emergency at Raigmore Hospital.
Manny was making his way off the second last Corbett, Fionaven, to be greeted by the news that Brenda was awaiting complex orthopaedic surgery for a dislocated shoulder.
"I was completely crushed on Thursday night with Brenda's news," he wrote on his blog. "I wasn't going to do the final day, it was all very dark. Hills didn't matter then - but they do.
"They get your head straight again, they clear the cobwebs away and flush the mind clean."
Manny admits he "hid in the van" that night, not wanting to face anyone except his two boys Duncan, (10), and Manuel, (12). "After the head spinning for hours and virtually no sleep I knew just had to do what Brenda wanted me to do - finish it."
On Friday morning, Manny set off for Ben Loyal.
"The day was sunny, hot but windy," he said. "Eventually with my boys Manuel and Duncan by my side, and a lump in my throat, I walked up onto the lovely top of An Caisteal, of Ben Loyal and it was over.
"Brenda was there with me just the same."
She told the "Strathy" how adrenaline took over and determination to help her partner finish the marathon challenge stayed foremost in her mind.
"I knew I was injured but kept thinking that after all the hard work and planning Manny needed to finish; adrenaline kept me going and I got back to the van.
"The pain and realisation really kicked in when we were on the way to Inverness. But during all the time I was still willing Manny to finish, and helped convince him to carry on and do the final hill."
She said she was "delighted and proud" that Manny had now finished the challenge. "It's a magnificent achievement for everyone involved.
The couple said that had it not been for friends, family and supporters from Westerlands Cross Country Running Club in Glasgow the record-breaking run would never have been completed.
Special thanks also went to their employers Highland Council for making it possible for them to take leave for the adventure, and sponsors the Cairngorms Brewery and Mike Bikes in Aviemore.
Former leader of Cairngorms Mountain Rescue Team John Allen and his wife, Anne, sailed Manny to island and remote west coast Corbetts during the first part of the trip, which began on April 25.
"Sailing down the west coast without using the engine was totally amazing," said Manny.
The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500ft and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft climb on all sides.
The record for climbing the 284 Munros is held by fellow Westerlands club member Charlie Campbell, who completed them in 48 1/2 days.
"I wanted to do something a bit different and a running round of Corbetts has never been done before," Manny explained.
"It was more about the journey though and the record's just a wee bonus which is there for the taking if someone fancies giving it a go!"
The attempt almost foundered - and was set back several days - when Manny himself was injured in a bike crash near Strontian.
Manny said: "There certainly were ups and downs and it was looking bleak when I came off the bike.
"I started it just for me, plain selfish me – but in the end I finished it for Brenda and for every single person who helped or supported along the way. It wasn't just about the hills but the people too."
Monday, July 6, 2009
Out of hospital....
Hi everyone, thank you all for the lovely comments, cards, flowers all very much appreciated. I got out of hospital this afternoon after a visit from my Orthapedic Doctor this morning saying that I looked well enough to come home so a quick text message to my sister, Jennifer to come and collect me and get me out of this noisy mad house, as I had only recieved a few hours sleep from the noise and lovely fragrences...
I have not made it home yet as Manny is trying to put the bed & the house back together in between him returning back to work today, luckily Jennifer is a nurse and is on holiday so I have been getting full attention.
Many thanks to Chris for the long journey from Durness to Inverness and waiting with me, very much appreciated.
Thanks to Tilly & Christine for my t-shirt.
I will have to get used to being one handed for some time, pity it was my good arm, you would not believe how long it has taken me to type this.
See you all very soon.
Brenda x
I have not made it home yet as Manny is trying to put the bed & the house back together in between him returning back to work today, luckily Jennifer is a nurse and is on holiday so I have been getting full attention.
Many thanks to Chris for the long journey from Durness to Inverness and waiting with me, very much appreciated.
Thanks to Tilly & Christine for my t-shirt.
I will have to get used to being one handed for some time, pity it was my good arm, you would not believe how long it has taken me to type this.
See you all very soon.
Brenda x
Saturday, July 4, 2009
God, I need a hill!
It's all a bit odd.
From the best views in the world to spending the night parked up in Inverness, Raigmore Hospital car park then sitting in Tescos watching the crazy world go about its inane business. Looking forward to a very long lie in bed, I of course woke up at 7am, the body still thinking it was about to get it's daily punishment! Not today legs! However, I'm completely knackered mentally & physically and have spent the day doing a frustrating nothing other than seeing Brenny for an hour this morning and again this afternoon - I wish I had just headed off and done a wee hill this morning.
Anyway, many thanks to everyone for the best wishes and kind thoughts for Brenny - needless to say we were both absolutely shattered when she could not get to Ben Loyal. There is absolutely no way I could have achieved the Corbett Round if Brenda had not been there every step of the way to push me out in the rain, feed me, move the van, arrange all the supporters, come up hills with me, washing, cleaning, cooking, wipe my brow etc etc etc.
I was completely crushed on Thursday night with Brenda’s news. I wasn't going to do the final day, it was all very dark. Hills didn't matter then...but they do. They get your head straight again, they clear the cobwebs away and flush the mind clean. I hid the in van that night not wanting to face anyone except my 2 boys, and after the head spinning for hours and virtually no sleep I just had to do what Brenda wanted me to do - finish it.
So it was with heavy heart and legs I set off over Cranstackie and Beinn Spionnaidh, but with just the right company for such a trip with Mindy McLeod for good craic. The day was stunning sunny, hot but windy. The views from the tops were awesome and the last hill within touching distance. We trotted off to the now accumulated convoy of campervans and support cars down by Loch Eriboll with fierce cleg attacks coming in constantly. I hauled myself east on the road bike into a very strong head wind and over some dragging big hills eventually meeting Alec Keith cycling the opposite direction on a classic 1940's bike with scaffold tube framing, and sleek "grab cable & haul" gear shifts. Alec paced me, at a frightening rate of knots through Tongue to Ribigill farm where (apart from an advanced party & sadly Donald with a damaged ankle) the troops had mustered and after a few drinks in the boiling heat we trotted off up the last hill. I enjoyed nipping along the track on foot and bumped into a few of my biking buddies Pete Bennett & Graham Hall & his good lady Margaret, cycling off the hill. Radio Scotland’s Bill Wideford called me on the mobile and an live interview was arranged for the summit. My head & heart wasn’t really into doing an interview but I knew what Brenda (currently in the middle of 5 hour surgery) would be saying so with my 2 boys Manuel & Duncan, we hid out of the strong winds behind a rock and did a 5 minute spiel. (Apologies Bill if I seemed a bit lacklustre at the time) Another 5 minutes and with Manuel & Duncan by my side, and a lump in my throat, I walked up onto the lovely top of An Caisteal, of Ben Loyal and it was over.
Brenda was there with me just the same.
Davy, Christine, Dave, JD, Archie, Sandra, Hamilton, Mindy, and of course Chris were there to cheer me on and a few smashing drams, Cairngorm ales and champers were had in the howling wind along with loads of photos.
Phone calls & texts to a few folk including my Mum to confirm arrival.
A few moments alone.
Even my old Dad didn't miss out on the action, after somehow missing the entourage passing through Tongue, he eventually caught us up on his way up the final Ben with a good dram to help me off the hill, and then carrying a giant rock as a momento from the summit for me!! - thanks Dad.
I didn’t do the Corbetts on my own and could never have made it without the help of so many of my club mates and friends and my parents - from the wonderful week long sailing trip with John & Anne Allan, and the 2 crew shifts, to the hell of the Borders alone with Brenda, through the gruesome west coast with all sorts of Westies & friends, out east with Davy & Donald, back west for more tough weather and mind games but Dots doughnuts to keep me going, big pulls east again with Ken & Clare Rumgay for urgent help and good hill company, to Allan & Tilly Smith and more Westies, and then the massive pull north from beautiful Ardour with our own Charlie Campbell, all be it after nearly ending the trip with a disastrous bike fall, the days growing longer and longer all the time – 12 & 14 hours being the norm; beautiful Knoydart for 3 days, Manuel & Duncan being ferried back & forth to us for weekends, huge days through Torridon, and Poolewe with Dave Riach & Scott Kennedy, and constant encouragement from Archie & Sandra, Brenda bagging more hills every day, and the indomitable Mr Rogers to shove me around Straths Connon & Farrar, and the relief of getting to Assynt after great hills with Geoff, Ali, Pete, Elsie, the ever present Johnston, Andy and Cat, the ac/dc gig as an insane sideshow, and constantly juggling the schedule to suit 14 hour days.
I guess it would have been plain boring if the story didn’t have a final cruel twist.
A tough few days with Don, Elma, and Dave Dave, including the extraordinary venture across Arkle & Fionnaven in a thunder storm led to the end of Brenda’s journey in hellish circumstances, again whilst still trying to help me with a bike a delivery.
I started it just for me, plain selfish me – but in the end I finished it for Brenda and for every single one (I’m sorry if I do not mention you all in these lines but there are dozens, and I am now drunk in Kincraig!) who helped or supported along the way, even just on the blog or with a text.
It wasn’t just about the hills but the people too.
Thank you all for making it, we both enjoyed every minute.
Lots of love
Manny & Brenda
If anyone has any photos at all would you mind putting them on a cd and posting it to us, or even better – give us your written views of the hills you managed with us!
I will get around to doing the stats sometime soon – I know the mileage will be around 2400, but the ascent figure was purposely not pre estimated as it may have done my head in from the start – I expect it to be between 600,000 to 700,000ft!
From the best views in the world to spending the night parked up in Inverness, Raigmore Hospital car park then sitting in Tescos watching the crazy world go about its inane business. Looking forward to a very long lie in bed, I of course woke up at 7am, the body still thinking it was about to get it's daily punishment! Not today legs! However, I'm completely knackered mentally & physically and have spent the day doing a frustrating nothing other than seeing Brenny for an hour this morning and again this afternoon - I wish I had just headed off and done a wee hill this morning.
Anyway, many thanks to everyone for the best wishes and kind thoughts for Brenny - needless to say we were both absolutely shattered when she could not get to Ben Loyal. There is absolutely no way I could have achieved the Corbett Round if Brenda had not been there every step of the way to push me out in the rain, feed me, move the van, arrange all the supporters, come up hills with me, washing, cleaning, cooking, wipe my brow etc etc etc.
I was completely crushed on Thursday night with Brenda’s news. I wasn't going to do the final day, it was all very dark. Hills didn't matter then...but they do. They get your head straight again, they clear the cobwebs away and flush the mind clean. I hid the in van that night not wanting to face anyone except my 2 boys, and after the head spinning for hours and virtually no sleep I just had to do what Brenda wanted me to do - finish it.
So it was with heavy heart and legs I set off over Cranstackie and Beinn Spionnaidh, but with just the right company for such a trip with Mindy McLeod for good craic. The day was stunning sunny, hot but windy. The views from the tops were awesome and the last hill within touching distance. We trotted off to the now accumulated convoy of campervans and support cars down by Loch Eriboll with fierce cleg attacks coming in constantly. I hauled myself east on the road bike into a very strong head wind and over some dragging big hills eventually meeting Alec Keith cycling the opposite direction on a classic 1940's bike with scaffold tube framing, and sleek "grab cable & haul" gear shifts. Alec paced me, at a frightening rate of knots through Tongue to Ribigill farm where (apart from an advanced party & sadly Donald with a damaged ankle) the troops had mustered and after a few drinks in the boiling heat we trotted off up the last hill. I enjoyed nipping along the track on foot and bumped into a few of my biking buddies Pete Bennett & Graham Hall & his good lady Margaret, cycling off the hill. Radio Scotland’s Bill Wideford called me on the mobile and an live interview was arranged for the summit. My head & heart wasn’t really into doing an interview but I knew what Brenda (currently in the middle of 5 hour surgery) would be saying so with my 2 boys Manuel & Duncan, we hid out of the strong winds behind a rock and did a 5 minute spiel. (Apologies Bill if I seemed a bit lacklustre at the time) Another 5 minutes and with Manuel & Duncan by my side, and a lump in my throat, I walked up onto the lovely top of An Caisteal, of Ben Loyal and it was over.
Brenda was there with me just the same.
Davy, Christine, Dave, JD, Archie, Sandra, Hamilton, Mindy, and of course Chris were there to cheer me on and a few smashing drams, Cairngorm ales and champers were had in the howling wind along with loads of photos.
Phone calls & texts to a few folk including my Mum to confirm arrival.
A few moments alone.
Even my old Dad didn't miss out on the action, after somehow missing the entourage passing through Tongue, he eventually caught us up on his way up the final Ben with a good dram to help me off the hill, and then carrying a giant rock as a momento from the summit for me!! - thanks Dad.
I didn’t do the Corbetts on my own and could never have made it without the help of so many of my club mates and friends and my parents - from the wonderful week long sailing trip with John & Anne Allan, and the 2 crew shifts, to the hell of the Borders alone with Brenda, through the gruesome west coast with all sorts of Westies & friends, out east with Davy & Donald, back west for more tough weather and mind games but Dots doughnuts to keep me going, big pulls east again with Ken & Clare Rumgay for urgent help and good hill company, to Allan & Tilly Smith and more Westies, and then the massive pull north from beautiful Ardour with our own Charlie Campbell, all be it after nearly ending the trip with a disastrous bike fall, the days growing longer and longer all the time – 12 & 14 hours being the norm; beautiful Knoydart for 3 days, Manuel & Duncan being ferried back & forth to us for weekends, huge days through Torridon, and Poolewe with Dave Riach & Scott Kennedy, and constant encouragement from Archie & Sandra, Brenda bagging more hills every day, and the indomitable Mr Rogers to shove me around Straths Connon & Farrar, and the relief of getting to Assynt after great hills with Geoff, Ali, Pete, Elsie, the ever present Johnston, Andy and Cat, the ac/dc gig as an insane sideshow, and constantly juggling the schedule to suit 14 hour days.
I guess it would have been plain boring if the story didn’t have a final cruel twist.
A tough few days with Don, Elma, and Dave Dave, including the extraordinary venture across Arkle & Fionnaven in a thunder storm led to the end of Brenda’s journey in hellish circumstances, again whilst still trying to help me with a bike a delivery.
I started it just for me, plain selfish me – but in the end I finished it for Brenda and for every single one (I’m sorry if I do not mention you all in these lines but there are dozens, and I am now drunk in Kincraig!) who helped or supported along the way, even just on the blog or with a text.
It wasn’t just about the hills but the people too.
Thank you all for making it, we both enjoyed every minute.
Lots of love
Manny & Brenda
If anyone has any photos at all would you mind putting them on a cd and posting it to us, or even better – give us your written views of the hills you managed with us!
I will get around to doing the stats sometime soon – I know the mileage will be around 2400, but the ascent figure was purposely not pre estimated as it may have done my head in from the start – I expect it to be between 600,000 to 700,000ft!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Around the Corbetts in 70 Days
We all thought Manny was mad, and he has proved us correct by today completing his astonishing self- and wind-propelled round of Corbetts in 70 days.
From the eve of London Marathon on 25th April, until Wimbledon men's semi-final day on 3rd July, Manny has been relentlessly chasing his dream right through the months of May and June. The only 'rest' days in the whole 10 week epic came due to getting stormbound between Jura and Arran at the end of the first week, and then much later 3 days R&R were needed after crashing off his bike just before Strontian.
The first weeks saw some of the coldest wettest windiest early May weather on record, with Manny getting repeated batterings during his progress through Galloway, Moffat and Arrochar. The tide finally turned for the epic trip through from Loch Lomond to Ben Ledi, and the scene was set for a mighty sweeping move north through the southern and central highlands.
But of course Manny was only half the team, and Brenda has been working overtime the past 10 weeks keeping Manny fed, watered and motivated through the countless ups and downs. And just when the finish appeared to be within grasp on the penultimate day, the story saw one final cruel twist with Brenda crashing off Manny's bike and badly breaking her right shoulder. This happened at the base of Foinaven on the track past Gualin House. Brenda was on her own, and when I had returned from Durness found her in the van clearly in pain and distress. I took her straight to Durness, but discovered they could nothing more than put her arm in a sling and give her 2 x Tramadol and suggested we head straight for Raigmore Hospital at Inverness.
Seriously tired and head-nodding, we arrived at Raigmore A&E around 8.30pm where Brenda was fast-tracked through. They put her straight on morphine and off for an X-ray. It was around 11pm when we finally saw the orthopaedic surgeon who seemed quite impressed at the comprehensive damage Brenda had done to her shoulder.
All slighty surreal and shell-shocked I found a bed at a complete strangers house in Inverness courtesy of Brenda, and left first thing Friday morning to head back to Raigmore Ward 3A. It looked likely they would operate this afternoon, so there was no question of Brenda making an appearance at Ben Loyal for Manny's final hill.
After a hospital cooked breakfast I blasted back up the Lairg road followed by single-track to Tongue and found Manny just as he was dropping off Beinn Spionnaidh with Mindy Macleod. Manny then flew off round the coast on a hilly 22-miler on the bike getting paced by Alec Keith for the last few miles. We all reconvened at Ribigill Farm for the final ascent, with a group gathering at the summit of Ben Loyal around 4.30pm.
We were all keenly aware of Brenda's absence, but has we were hunkering down on the summit in the howling wind Brenda was in the midst of a 5 hour operation to re-construct her shoulder. I dropped by at 9pm and she seemed bright enough and good spirits after coming round from the general anaesthetic.
Once again, a massive well done to Manny and Brenda on a truly remarkable achievement, and I hope Brenda is soon up and about and making a speedy recovery.
From the eve of London Marathon on 25th April, until Wimbledon men's semi-final day on 3rd July, Manny has been relentlessly chasing his dream right through the months of May and June. The only 'rest' days in the whole 10 week epic came due to getting stormbound between Jura and Arran at the end of the first week, and then much later 3 days R&R were needed after crashing off his bike just before Strontian.
The first weeks saw some of the coldest wettest windiest early May weather on record, with Manny getting repeated batterings during his progress through Galloway, Moffat and Arrochar. The tide finally turned for the epic trip through from Loch Lomond to Ben Ledi, and the scene was set for a mighty sweeping move north through the southern and central highlands.
But of course Manny was only half the team, and Brenda has been working overtime the past 10 weeks keeping Manny fed, watered and motivated through the countless ups and downs. And just when the finish appeared to be within grasp on the penultimate day, the story saw one final cruel twist with Brenda crashing off Manny's bike and badly breaking her right shoulder. This happened at the base of Foinaven on the track past Gualin House. Brenda was on her own, and when I had returned from Durness found her in the van clearly in pain and distress. I took her straight to Durness, but discovered they could nothing more than put her arm in a sling and give her 2 x Tramadol and suggested we head straight for Raigmore Hospital at Inverness.
Seriously tired and head-nodding, we arrived at Raigmore A&E around 8.30pm where Brenda was fast-tracked through. They put her straight on morphine and off for an X-ray. It was around 11pm when we finally saw the orthopaedic surgeon who seemed quite impressed at the comprehensive damage Brenda had done to her shoulder.
All slighty surreal and shell-shocked I found a bed at a complete strangers house in Inverness courtesy of Brenda, and left first thing Friday morning to head back to Raigmore Ward 3A. It looked likely they would operate this afternoon, so there was no question of Brenda making an appearance at Ben Loyal for Manny's final hill.
After a hospital cooked breakfast I blasted back up the Lairg road followed by single-track to Tongue and found Manny just as he was dropping off Beinn Spionnaidh with Mindy Macleod. Manny then flew off round the coast on a hilly 22-miler on the bike getting paced by Alec Keith for the last few miles. We all reconvened at Ribigill Farm for the final ascent, with a group gathering at the summit of Ben Loyal around 4.30pm.
We were all keenly aware of Brenda's absence, but has we were hunkering down on the summit in the howling wind Brenda was in the midst of a 5 hour operation to re-construct her shoulder. I dropped by at 9pm and she seemed bright enough and good spirits after coming round from the general anaesthetic.
Once again, a massive well done to Manny and Brenda on a truly remarkable achievement, and I hope Brenda is soon up and about and making a speedy recovery.
Breaking news - Day 70 - Completion on Ben Loyal
Manny reached the summit of Ben Loyal today at around 16:30, thereby completing all 219 Corbetts in an incredible 70 days.
As far as I am aware, this is a record by a considerable margin. (Other known rounds listed at http://www.corbetteers.110mb.com/)
Manny has been interviewed live on air from the summit of Ben Loyal by Radio Scotland. The interview is on Newsdrive for 03/07/09 on the iPlayer for the next few days - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074hkd - it's about 13 mins into the programme.
And talking of breaking, as Dot mentioned in her comments to the last blog entry, our best wishes for a good recovery go to Brenda, who broke her shoulder yesterday in a fall from the mountain bike, and had to go to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.
More details to follow in due course on both parts of the story.
As far as I am aware, this is a record by a considerable margin. (Other known rounds listed at http://www.corbetteers.110mb.com/)
Manny has been interviewed live on air from the summit of Ben Loyal by Radio Scotland. The interview is on Newsdrive for 03/07/09 on the iPlayer for the next few days - http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b0074hkd - it's about 13 mins into the programme.
And talking of breaking, as Dot mentioned in her comments to the last blog entry, our best wishes for a good recovery go to Brenda, who broke her shoulder yesterday in a fall from the mountain bike, and had to go to Raigmore Hospital in Inverness.
More details to follow in due course on both parts of the story.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
Day 69 Kinloch – Gualin House
Manny has set of this morning with JD to do Meallan Liath Coire Mhic Dhughaill. Just as I was about to leave to go and collect the bike which Manny set of with this morning down a track for a mile, Dave Calder arrived so I sent him of to do his duties to collect the bike while I did the breakfast dishes. Chris was not feeling very well this morning, he has been here since Monday and can’t handle the pace..... Donald & Dave were going to head off to meet Manny at Meall Horn and do Arkle with him. Another glorious day today so I hope it continues for tomorrow.
As far as tomorrow goes he will be doing Cranstackie & Beinn Spionnaidh in the morning followed by a 19 mile road bike to Tongue for Ben Loyal to be in the afternoon.
As far as tomorrow goes he will be doing Cranstackie & Beinn Spionnaidh in the morning followed by a 19 mile road bike to Tongue for Ben Loyal to be in the afternoon.
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
Day 68 - Hampden - Ben Hee
News just in is that Glas Bheinn, Beinn Leoid, and Ben Hee were completed today. I'd love to be able to describe the fantastic views, great weather etc, but it'd all be a load of rubbish as I've been in an office in Glasgow all day! However, Chris has been accompanying Manny and has been able to give me a wee update from Sutherland by text. I've updated the map accordingly.
(I could probably tell you a bit more about AC/DC last night though as I could hear the gig from ma hoose!)
So, 7 Corbetts to go - Thursday should end on Arkle and Foinaven per the schedule, and (fingers crossed) our hero should complete on Ben Loyal on Friday.
(I could probably tell you a bit more about AC/DC last night though as I could hear the gig from ma hoose!)
So, 7 Corbetts to go - Thursday should end on Arkle and Foinaven per the schedule, and (fingers crossed) our hero should complete on Ben Loyal on Friday.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Day 67 - AC/DC
Latest news from the ground is that Brenda, Gormanator, & crew, safely made it to the salubrious environs of Glasgow’s Hampden Park tonight to enjoy a few easy hours listening to some ‘Classical’ music. This will defo let them cut some steam from the trials & tribulations of big record setting, before, (and all things being well), they are back on the case tomorrow in the far NW for the last few days and hills. If Manny is doing Cranstackie and Beinn Spionnaidh on the Friday morning, then that should mean an afternoon ascent of Loyal, hence giving us southern Sassenachs a chance to get up there in time, but no doubt Man & Bren will be able to tighten down on times in the next few days, depending on how the boy wonder is doing himself. Let us know?
Anyway, safe drive back up the road – you really do know how to live on ‘The Razors Edge’…
Anyway, safe drive back up the road – you really do know how to live on ‘The Razors Edge’…
Monday, June 29, 2009
Friday 3rd July 2009 - Ben Loyal
It looks like at the present time with only 13 Corbetts left to do that Friday 3rd July 2009 will be the last one, Ben Loyal for those that can make it.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Day 65 - Black Bridge to Glencalvie
After a mad dash from the Arrochar Alps race to Ullapool in time for last orders on Saturday night, myself and Andy had a bit of a slow start on Sunday, giving Manny a head start on the way from Black Bridge to Beinn a'Chaisteil. Manny, Brenda, Pete, Elsie, Dave, Geoff, and Ali had mountain bikes, so it was a tough shift to do a 5-mile run to catch them. Seeing figures high on the hill, we dumped our bags and raced upwards, in time to catch Manny just coming down from the summit. Unfortunately, a logistical cock-up meant we didn't have Manny's fave fell shoes to replace the trainers he uses mostly for biking. The fell shoes were thereafter referred to loudly as "my ----ing shoes!!!". Oops. Anyway, on to the summit and back down with Brenda and Ali, while Manny made the most of the sun to ride on to Carn Ban with Dave, Pete, Elsie and Geoff.
After the long run back out, I just had enough time for the 90-min drive to Glencalvie, where the infamous shoes were successfully transported up the glen for Manny. By this time Cat Miller had made an unexpected but very welcome appearance, and when Manny and Geoff arrived by bike after doing Carn Ban (the others went back to Black Bridge), we set off at a cracking pace towards the summit of Carn Chuinneag. Manny was powering along, running even some uphills, and after a short summit stop, the gang of 5 headed back to the glen, another Corbett done in 75 mins.
Don't know if Manny cycled north afterwards, but I'm sure Brenda will provide details when she gets the chance. Today was yet another illustration of how busy she is and what a great job she does in keeping Manny on the road.
202 Corbetts done, 17 to go...
After the long run back out, I just had enough time for the 90-min drive to Glencalvie, where the infamous shoes were successfully transported up the glen for Manny. By this time Cat Miller had made an unexpected but very welcome appearance, and when Manny and Geoff arrived by bike after doing Carn Ban (the others went back to Black Bridge), we set off at a cracking pace towards the summit of Carn Chuinneag. Manny was powering along, running even some uphills, and after a short summit stop, the gang of 5 headed back to the glen, another Corbett done in 75 mins.
Don't know if Manny cycled north afterwards, but I'm sure Brenda will provide details when she gets the chance. Today was yet another illustration of how busy she is and what a great job she does in keeping Manny on the road.
202 Corbetts done, 17 to go...
Friday, June 26, 2009
Quick update before heading away into Strathconnon
Please check the updated schedule on the front page of the blog, it is getting updated regularly.
If anyone fancies a bit of biking on Sunday then Manny will be leaving at 8.30am from blackbridge, on the Ullapool road, if any of you Carrbridge bikers want to join us. A couple of hills also which can be done, although you will need to sort out your travel arrangements.
It also looks live the last Corbett, Ben Loyal will be Friday 3rd July 2009.
If anyone fancies a bit of biking on Sunday then Manny will be leaving at 8.30am from blackbridge, on the Ullapool road, if any of you Carrbridge bikers want to join us. A couple of hills also which can be done, although you will need to sort out your travel arrangements.
It also looks live the last Corbett, Ben Loyal will be Friday 3rd July 2009.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Day 61 – Glen Leitire Nature Trails – Ardessie
Manny started at 7.45am this morning for a 22 mile cycle to Poolewe, more food & drink. David headed off just in front of him and I jogged in just past Kernsary for 4 miles to pick up the mountain bike that Manny was cycling in with and had an enjoyable cycle back. Another stunning day for 6 hills which they off doing at the moment. A grand total of 26 miles today. Poor David was carrying all the food day, they away with a dozen rolls, pork pies, cakes, biscuits etc… but I am sure with Manny being around they will all be demolished by the end of the day. I had a lovely afternoon in Gairloch, had a walk around the harbour, and got to laundry facilities done, which were well overdue. At present I am overlooking Little Loch Broom having an ice cream. I don’t expect them back until late. I think the road bike east to Loch a’Bhraoin will be added to tomorrow.
Day 60 – Lochan an Lasgair – Glas Leitire Nature Trails
David Riach joined us at 8am this morning after his cycle from Kinlochewe Hotel. They headed away for a short cycle to Coire Mhic Nobail car park, Upper Loch Torridon where Scott Kennedy was already there to start. Another big day, 3 hills ahead, the sun was out so all 3 headed away for Beinn Dearg, Baosbheinn & Beinn an Eoin. All 3 returned back to the car park at 5pm to be met by Charlie, his folks and the van. I had an enjoyable day today, went into Lochcarron for a couple of hours and spent the day getting a bit of sun. Quick turnaround, food & drink and Manny & David set off to Glas Leitire Nature Trails. David cycled to Poolewe while Manny headed off for his final 2 hills for the day, Ruadh-stac Beag & Meall a’Ghiubhais at 7pm. Charlie & I headed off to meet him on his 2nd hill at Meall a’Ghiubhais. It was a stunning evening, lovely views from the top, and came of the hill at 11pm.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Day 59 - Bealach na Ba - Lochan an Lasgair
Monday, 22nd June
Manny & I headed off out into the rain again, very poor visability to do Beinn Bhan & Sgurr a'Chaorachain. The 1st hill was nice and easy but it seemed a long way to Sgurr a'Chaorachain, it rained and rained and the map & compass came out a lot. 4½ hours later we were back at the van trying to dry out, food & drink and then Manny headed off for his 30 mile cycle to Lochan an Lasgair car park for Sgurr Dubh & Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine which is where he is at the moment, I am expecting him shortly. Surprise surprise it is still raining. I headed off into Kinlochewe to get gas and water. While I was there I met Charlie & his folks they are up to join as for a couple of days and David Riach turned up on his bike, he had cycled from Inverness. He was booked into the Kinlochewe Hotel for the night and is joining us for the next couple of days along with Scott Kennedy. Manny will do Beinn Dearg tomorrow to catch up on the hill he missed today, hopefully along with the other 4 scheduled. The weather is meant to be improving from Wednesday, so here’s hoping
Manny & I headed off out into the rain again, very poor visability to do Beinn Bhan & Sgurr a'Chaorachain. The 1st hill was nice and easy but it seemed a long way to Sgurr a'Chaorachain, it rained and rained and the map & compass came out a lot. 4½ hours later we were back at the van trying to dry out, food & drink and then Manny headed off for his 30 mile cycle to Lochan an Lasgair car park for Sgurr Dubh & Sgorr nan Lochan Uaine which is where he is at the moment, I am expecting him shortly. Surprise surprise it is still raining. I headed off into Kinlochewe to get gas and water. While I was there I met Charlie & his folks they are up to join as for a couple of days and David Riach turned up on his bike, he had cycled from Inverness. He was booked into the Kinlochewe Hotel for the night and is joining us for the next couple of days along with Scott Kennedy. Manny will do Beinn Dearg tomorrow to catch up on the hill he missed today, hopefully along with the other 4 scheduled. The weather is meant to be improving from Wednesday, so here’s hoping
Day 58 - Craig to Bealach na Ba
Sunday, 21st June
Dave & Manny headed away for an epic 17 miles, 3 hills - Fuar Tholl, An Ruadh Stac & Beinn Damh. The estimated time I was given was between 5-6 hours, and by 6pm they were still not back, eventually 7pm they arrived back to the van, nearly 9 hours later..... Dave was meant to back in Edinburgh by 9pm, so that was never going to happen and Manny still had 2 hills to do, which also never happened. He cycled from Kinloch Damph to the Viewpoint on Bealach na Ba road so that he could start there in the morning. Well that was a very long and interesting 5 miles in the campervan never mind the road bike, it was raining, no visability and all I kept on praying was not to meet any cars as I was going nowhere. Anyway I survived and Manny was not long behind me. Poor Douglas from our Wednesday night biking crew turned up to do the last 2 hills with Manny, but as he ended up not doing them he ended up going home, after having a going up part of Beinn Damh looking for them and had no luck and turned back in case he had missed them. He will just need to join us again before the end.
Dave & Manny headed away for an epic 17 miles, 3 hills - Fuar Tholl, An Ruadh Stac & Beinn Damh. The estimated time I was given was between 5-6 hours, and by 6pm they were still not back, eventually 7pm they arrived back to the van, nearly 9 hours later..... Dave was meant to back in Edinburgh by 9pm, so that was never going to happen and Manny still had 2 hills to do, which also never happened. He cycled from Kinloch Damph to the Viewpoint on Bealach na Ba road so that he could start there in the morning. Well that was a very long and interesting 5 miles in the campervan never mind the road bike, it was raining, no visability and all I kept on praying was not to meet any cars as I was going nowhere. Anyway I survived and Manny was not long behind me. Poor Douglas from our Wednesday night biking crew turned up to do the last 2 hills with Manny, but as he ended up not doing them he ended up going home, after having a going up part of Beinn Damh looking for them and had no luck and turned back in case he had missed them. He will just need to join us again before the end.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Day 57 - Strath Croe - Killilan Forest - Craig
Passed Manny as he cycled along the road from Strath Croe to Killilan this morning, and met up with Brenda at the Killilan car park. After the usual excellent hospitality from Brenda (she's a star!) Manny then biked the extra mile from the public car park to Killilan to start the climb, while Dot the Doughnut Lady collected the bike.
Manny's hill crew for today consisted of me, fellow Westie Andy Mott, and Andy's girlfriend Maria, who had all made the long journey north on Friday night for a big day out on the hills of the Killilan Forest on Saturday. First summit of the day was Sguman Coinntich, tackled via a steep climb from the Allt a'Choire Mhoir. Although Manny isn't as quick after his injury a couple of weeks ago, we did still manage a good jog across to Faochaig, with the weather still undecided on the cloud vs sun debate.
Andy and Maria dropped back at Faochaig, tackling it at a gentler pace before heading back down into Glen Elchaig. Manny and I descended via a stalker's path to consider an approach to Aonach Buidhe, again deciding on a steep and direct line. 3 large deer kept a watchful eye on us as we headed for the summit in conditions which were now pleasantly sunny (this cheered Manny up!). As my car was back at Killilan, we said our farewells and I headed down to Iron Lodge for the 8 mile jog back along Glen Elchaig, collecting Andy and Maria on the way to completing a 23-mile 3-Corbett day, which was nothing compared to Manny's efforts!
Manny went north to do Beinn Dronaig, Beinn Tharsuinn, and Sgurr na Feartaig before getting the MTB off the hill (brought in by Brenda), and finishing his 26-mile hill journey at around 10pm.
So that's another 6 hills completed for Manny, who is still grinding through the list at a relentless pace (leaving me wheezing behind him), despite injury slowing him down. Well over 75% complete now and fewer than 50 hills to go.
I'm just back in after the 4-hour drive home. Been a long day, folks. G'night.
Manny's hill crew for today consisted of me, fellow Westie Andy Mott, and Andy's girlfriend Maria, who had all made the long journey north on Friday night for a big day out on the hills of the Killilan Forest on Saturday. First summit of the day was Sguman Coinntich, tackled via a steep climb from the Allt a'Choire Mhoir. Although Manny isn't as quick after his injury a couple of weeks ago, we did still manage a good jog across to Faochaig, with the weather still undecided on the cloud vs sun debate.
Andy and Maria dropped back at Faochaig, tackling it at a gentler pace before heading back down into Glen Elchaig. Manny and I descended via a stalker's path to consider an approach to Aonach Buidhe, again deciding on a steep and direct line. 3 large deer kept a watchful eye on us as we headed for the summit in conditions which were now pleasantly sunny (this cheered Manny up!). As my car was back at Killilan, we said our farewells and I headed down to Iron Lodge for the 8 mile jog back along Glen Elchaig, collecting Andy and Maria on the way to completing a 23-mile 3-Corbett day, which was nothing compared to Manny's efforts!
Manny went north to do Beinn Dronaig, Beinn Tharsuinn, and Sgurr na Feartaig before getting the MTB off the hill (brought in by Brenda), and finishing his 26-mile hill journey at around 10pm.
So that's another 6 hills completed for Manny, who is still grinding through the list at a relentless pace (leaving me wheezing behind him), despite injury slowing him down. Well over 75% complete now and fewer than 50 hills to go.
I'm just back in after the 4-hour drive home. Been a long day, folks. G'night.
Friday, June 19, 2009
Day 56 – Bunloinn Forest – Strath Croe
Up early this morning another windy day but it was not raining to start with. He must only have been away 5 mins and then the rain started. He headed away to do Meall Dubh and Jim went to meet him for the last couple of miles with the mountain bike. Back at the van for Bacon & egg rolls before heading away for his 20 miles. He was taking his bike in for 5 miles up River Doe towards his 1st hill and Jim was collecting it and then taking it around to the forest for Manny to collect for the last 3 miles after his 3rd hill tonight. Thanks to Jim for all his bike duties, as I would have struggled today getting the bike over the deer gates. The plan for today is Aonach Shasuinn, Carn a’Choire Ghairbh & Sgurr Gaoraic and I am meeting him at the Strath Croe Cemetery car park some point this evening. He is away with his head torch so I am guessing it’s going to be another late one today and not to start panicking and calling mountain rescue. Dot and I headed into Broadford to get some shopping and managed to get some washing done. It was nice and sunny that direction, then it started to rain as we headed back to Shiel Bridge.
Day 55 – Shiel Bridge to Bunloinn Forest
Quick 3 mile road bike from Shiel Bridge to Strath Croe then he headed up Sgurr An Airgid while the rain was hammering down as he was hesitating to get out as Dot & I were downloading the GPS he thought it would be more interesting to stay and see the routes that he has taken rather than go and do the hill, eventually kicked him out as Jim had taken his mountain bike a good bit up the track which looked rather entertaining for coming down. He was back to the van and Peter Bennett from Aviemore had joined us for the day. He had quick bite to eat, drink and then had a 15 mile road cycle to just back the Cluanie Inn while, Dot, Peter, Manny & myself headed up Am Bathach. Back to the van more food, drink and then Manny set of on his mountain bike to do Beinn Loinne. Peter headed out on his bike with him for the 4 mile cycle out to the high point on the track and back while Jim was already away in to collect Manny’s bike. Jim had already dropped my bike off for Manny to collect at the other of this track as this saved him 3 miles. He arrived at the van at 7pm absolutely frozen, knackered and there was no way he was going to do Meall Dubh this evening, instead shower something to eat at the Clunie Inn and early to bed as he knew he would have a even bigger day now. He even thought that he might just manage the 1 hill and have to leave the other 3 until Saturday. Iced his leg and the usual drugs.
Day 54 - Kinloch Hourn to Shiel Bridge
Just quick update - Buidhe Bheinn & Sgur a Bhac Chaolais, Beinn nan Caorach, Beinn na h-Eagaise & Sgurr Mhic Bharraich were all done on Wednesday. I had a visit to a friend's sister in law in Shiel Bridge where I was able to fill up with water and have a couple of cups of tea while I waited for Dot to arrive. Thanks Alison for the contact and Fiona for the cups of tea. I met Dot at Shiel bridge and we drove around to meet Manny at Suardalan Bothy, the timings were perfect we were just heading to meet him and there he was jogging towards the Bothy. I think he was surprised to see us as he was not expecting us. I ended up doing the last hill with him Sgurr Mhic Bharriach as it was nice and sunny but within 20 mins, we were drenched and by the top it was hailstones. We were down the back of 9pm, quick shower and mad dash to the Kintail pub for tea and a pint. Jim Hall from Newtonmore joined us tonight for a couple of days.
Almost Midsummer
Well another Friday and so the end of week eight beckons. Spoke to the Gormanator last night and he is sounding fooked, both mentally and physically. He seems to have got in and out of Knoydart unscathed, despite some big hill days, but the return to pishy weather is kicking off the mind games – there is nothing worse than when you are already jiggered, to look out the window at the heaving rain and know you’ve got to drag yir weary soul out into the storm.
When they get the time, and a pc connection, Manny and Brenda will no doubt fill in the details, but it’s that old chestnut of being so near yet so far, that seems to be rearing it’s ugly head – all the hard groundwork has been done over the last two months, and now it’s credit crunch time for the last two weeks. Needless to say, but if anyone has any spare moments over the coming fortnight, then I’m sure the pair of them will be glad of any company, whither on the hill or just bringing a brew & scone.
Keep at it Manny – when the going gets tough, the tough…
When they get the time, and a pc connection, Manny and Brenda will no doubt fill in the details, but it’s that old chestnut of being so near yet so far, that seems to be rearing it’s ugly head – all the hard groundwork has been done over the last two months, and now it’s credit crunch time for the last two weeks. Needless to say, but if anyone has any spare moments over the coming fortnight, then I’m sure the pair of them will be glad of any company, whither on the hill or just bringing a brew & scone.
Keep at it Manny – when the going gets tough, the tough…
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Day 53 - Knoydart to Kinloch Hourn
Another 3 hills done - Beinn na Caillich, Sgurr Coire Choinnichean & Sgurr nan Eugallt. Another stunning day. I set off from Kingussie around midday to give enough time to drive down to Kinloch Hourn. It was a nice drive around to meet Manny, although I was not at the exact location..... I had stopped about a mile too early, I had thought I was in the right spot, so as you can guess I was not too popular when he came off the hill..... I think he had visions that I had gone off the road or pranged the van, but once I served him with steak pie & beer it was fine and he came out of his strop. Ken & Claire from Lochaber met with Davy in Fort William to hand over the bike and his belongings before they headed up to meet me at Kinloch Hourn. Thanks to Davy, Ken & Claire for helping out over the last couple of days. It was a very windy night and he was not looking forward to another long day.
Day 52 - Sourlies Bothy to Knoydart
Manny left the Bothy early on Monday morning and headed to do Ben Aden, Sgurr a'Choire-bheithe & Beinn Bhuidhe. He had a lovely day and the weather was lovely. I received a call about 8.30 that evening letting me know that he had arrived in Knoydart and all was well. He was in The Old Forge having a pint or 2 before heading to The Old Byre Lodge Bunkhouse where he met up with Davy Duncan who had arrived at Inverie this morning to take his bike up a good track to save his poor legs.... They then headed back to The Old Forge for food & drink, although the food was not up to his usual standards.... I did not tell him until last night but the bunkhouse was £30pppn, he just about had a heart attack.....
We apologise for this interuption due to technical problems with our Knoydart Transmitter. Normal service will be resumed as soon as possible.
In the meantime we bring you a short Public Information Film:
In the meantime we bring you a short Public Information Film:
Monday, June 15, 2009
Day 51 - Glen Dessary to Sourlies Bothy
More photos from Day 51...
Chris, Ellie & Manny all headed off for Sgurr an Fhurain & Sgurr Cos na Breachd-Laoigh. They had a 10 minute head start as Manny was taking the Mountain bike for 3 miles down the track. I had an enjoyable 6 mile run out to A Chuil Bothy and back in the glorious sunshine, and then prepared food for Manny’s night away while Manny packed for his trip into Sourlies Bothy. Chris & Ellie departed. He has Carn Mor & Bidean a’Chabair to also do this evening before arriving at the Bothy. I headed off in front of him for 3 miles while he came in on the mountain bike which I took back to the van before heading back around Loch Arkaig where I would get a signal to try and organise accommodation in Inverie, bike, ferry timetable.
I had a lovely drive back around Loch Arkaig into Fort William to drop of Manny’s mountain bike which Davie Duncan will collect to take to Inverie tomorrow. Gave Davie all his instructions and contacted Ken who is then collecting the bike and taking around to Kinloch Hourn to meet me on Tuesday evening.
I have a day off tomorrow so I am heading to the shops for some retail therapy while Manny has 2 large days on Knoydart and I will meet him on Tuesday evening at Kinloch Hourn.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Day 50 - Loch Eilt to Glen Dessary
More photos from Day 50...
He headed away to do 3 hills, Sgurr an Utha, Streap & Braigh nan Uamhachan and I was heading away to fill up with fuel, shopping & water and we were meeting at Glen Dessary. I had a rather interesting long drive around Loch Arskaig which seemed to go on for ever but got there in time to go and meet Manny with the bike. He advised that he thought he would be away for 4/5 hours so I headed off at 2.30 with the bike to meet him in the forest, but after waiting for over an hour and a half I headed back to the van, pad locked his bike to the fence post hoping he would see it as the heavens opened I got completely soaked. About half an hour later he appeared,, drenched too. He had a quick bite to eat & drink and then headed away to do Sgurr Mhurlagain & Fraoch Bheinn at about 6pm.
Ellie & Chris arrived shortly after so they headed off to meet him and do Sgurr Mhurlagain. We had dinner, few beers which were kindly brought from the Loch Lochy Munro’s Hill Race - Glenfinnan ales.
Friday, June 12, 2009
Day 49 - Luke at that view!!
Many thanks to Luke for suggesting to stay high from Beinn MhicCedidh across to The Rois-Bheinn 3. It was epic. Tired and sore, sure, but absolutely amazing stuff!
Me, Brenny, Charlie & June are all sitting in the camper west of Rois-Bheinn looking out across to Rum, Eigg and Skye with the most incredible sunset going on, and a beer in hand to sooth my tingling legs after a 20 min soak in the sea.
A cracking day of 5 in the sun, baking at times, and even a wee sleep on one of the tops.
Brenda, June, Chas & four legged Stella met me on top of the last hill, An Stac and an enjoyable walk off was had.
Heading into Glen Dessary tomorrow for a handful over the weekend, before heading into Knoydart for a few huge days.
Knee still very sore but improving.
Cheers everyone
Me, Brenny, Charlie & June are all sitting in the camper west of Rois-Bheinn looking out across to Rum, Eigg and Skye with the most incredible sunset going on, and a beer in hand to sooth my tingling legs after a 20 min soak in the sea.
A cracking day of 5 in the sun, baking at times, and even a wee sleep on one of the tops.
Brenda, June, Chas & four legged Stella met me on top of the last hill, An Stac and an enjoyable walk off was had.
Heading into Glen Dessary tomorrow for a handful over the weekend, before heading into Knoydart for a few huge days.
Knee still very sore but improving.
Cheers everyone
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Day 48 - Manny hits a sweet 6!
And so came to an end one of the finest days on the hills I ever had.
After a short mtb into Glen Gour (thanks to Charlie & June for taking it out again)I cracked out the 6 Corbetts north of Garbh Bheinn, with a tinge of regret that it was done seperately and not as part of a magnificent 7. Never mind, I'm back on the move again and while the knee was sore all day long, it was manageable with the sticks and drugs. The sticks were an almighty pain in the backside to use but an unavoidable evil that certainly helped me through a huge day - I just hope the leg recovers enough to let me stop using them soon. The weather stayed kind with only a few very light showers, not meritting taking the waterproof out the sack. It was fantastic looking back from Sgorr Craobh a' Chaorainn towards Beinn na h-Uamha such a long way away. As I was sitting scoffing the last of my grub on the now chilly last top, Brenda popped her head above the skyline having lugged up from Callop, via a scenic deep bog! This lovely glen has nowbeen scarred beyond repair by a massive road ripped out of the hillside to allow a new but small hydro scheme to be built, but with dis-proportionate destruction of the glen. Charlie eased my final descent pain on a sore knee by pushing up my mtb for the last mile back to the van.Cheers.
Back in the Stronlossit Inn for an outrageous steak dinner and a couple of fine beers (everywhere else in Lochaber having apparently stopped serving food just when when people may want to eat!) Looking forward to tomorrows 5, maybe even with an extra 1 if feeling good.
What better way to come back with a record 6 in one go.
Cheers all
After a short mtb into Glen Gour (thanks to Charlie & June for taking it out again)I cracked out the 6 Corbetts north of Garbh Bheinn, with a tinge of regret that it was done seperately and not as part of a magnificent 7. Never mind, I'm back on the move again and while the knee was sore all day long, it was manageable with the sticks and drugs. The sticks were an almighty pain in the backside to use but an unavoidable evil that certainly helped me through a huge day - I just hope the leg recovers enough to let me stop using them soon. The weather stayed kind with only a few very light showers, not meritting taking the waterproof out the sack. It was fantastic looking back from Sgorr Craobh a' Chaorainn towards Beinn na h-Uamha such a long way away. As I was sitting scoffing the last of my grub on the now chilly last top, Brenda popped her head above the skyline having lugged up from Callop, via a scenic deep bog! This lovely glen has nowbeen scarred beyond repair by a massive road ripped out of the hillside to allow a new but small hydro scheme to be built, but with dis-proportionate destruction of the glen. Charlie eased my final descent pain on a sore knee by pushing up my mtb for the last mile back to the van.Cheers.
Back in the Stronlossit Inn for an outrageous steak dinner and a couple of fine beers (everywhere else in Lochaber having apparently stopped serving food just when when people may want to eat!) Looking forward to tomorrows 5, maybe even with an extra 1 if feeling good.
What better way to come back with a record 6 in one go.
Cheers all
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Day 47 – Still Game.
Well, hello again in the Blogosphere.
Rumours of my final demise are unfounded, (only just) after all it’s only pain – it will stop eventually…
It’s been an interesting 3 days.
Physio, sleep, drugs, physio, eat, physio, ice, physio…and put beer between all of those items.
Me and bikes never did get on very well and it’s no surprise that a stupid mistake on my mtb nearly cost me the whole run. Early indications seem to imply large and painful bruising to the whole left patella, and hopefully nothing more sinister underneath.
After the wonderful Alison Robb of Nethy worked on my leg for 3 sessions and with lots of ice and rest, I very tentatively got on my road bike this morning in Strontian, with the Right Horrible Al Campell as my domestique.
It was make or break as I turned the pedals for the first time, and thankfully the knee was not too painful. The next test was 2 miles later on the first climb in road and even under stress the joint held its own, albeit very slowly in the small rings. After warming up we got a steady crawl up the hill and enjoyed the whizz down the far side to the east foot of Garbh Bheinn, one of my favourite Scottish mountains.
The weather looked good with broken high clouds, and with the good company of Brenda, Big Al, Isobel Coombs, Charlie Campbell and sister June, with the indomitable Stella as back up, we enjoyed a slow but steady climb up the steep slopes with only one small shower, but otherwise warm all the way up. My defection to the use of walking poles or “cheating sticks” is only temporary, whilst the knee (hopefully) settles down again, but there is no doubt they helped take the weight off on the way up, but more importantly on the way down. My biggest worry about using sticks is that they make me go so slow it even made Al Campbell look fast! It was fantastic to get the views of those spectacular northern crags and then from the summit for lunch. A slow but steady stick assisted descent got us back to the van with the knee sore but not progressively so. Then it was into Loch Linnhe for 20 minutes to chill the legs down whilst Al & Isobel took the full plunge!! Tea, buns & beer were enjoyed in the van away from the ever increasing midge population before the usual frustrations of try to blog-on with poor connection signal.
Tomorrow I plan to try and get into it properly again by doing the other 6 tops to the north, leading to Callop – I reckon my knee only needs a bit of exercise now…
Rumours of my final demise are unfounded, (only just) after all it’s only pain – it will stop eventually…
It’s been an interesting 3 days.
Physio, sleep, drugs, physio, eat, physio, ice, physio…and put beer between all of those items.
Me and bikes never did get on very well and it’s no surprise that a stupid mistake on my mtb nearly cost me the whole run. Early indications seem to imply large and painful bruising to the whole left patella, and hopefully nothing more sinister underneath.
After the wonderful Alison Robb of Nethy worked on my leg for 3 sessions and with lots of ice and rest, I very tentatively got on my road bike this morning in Strontian, with the Right Horrible Al Campell as my domestique.
It was make or break as I turned the pedals for the first time, and thankfully the knee was not too painful. The next test was 2 miles later on the first climb in road and even under stress the joint held its own, albeit very slowly in the small rings. After warming up we got a steady crawl up the hill and enjoyed the whizz down the far side to the east foot of Garbh Bheinn, one of my favourite Scottish mountains.
The weather looked good with broken high clouds, and with the good company of Brenda, Big Al, Isobel Coombs, Charlie Campbell and sister June, with the indomitable Stella as back up, we enjoyed a slow but steady climb up the steep slopes with only one small shower, but otherwise warm all the way up. My defection to the use of walking poles or “cheating sticks” is only temporary, whilst the knee (hopefully) settles down again, but there is no doubt they helped take the weight off on the way up, but more importantly on the way down. My biggest worry about using sticks is that they make me go so slow it even made Al Campbell look fast! It was fantastic to get the views of those spectacular northern crags and then from the summit for lunch. A slow but steady stick assisted descent got us back to the van with the knee sore but not progressively so. Then it was into Loch Linnhe for 20 minutes to chill the legs down whilst Al & Isobel took the full plunge!! Tea, buns & beer were enjoyed in the van away from the ever increasing midge population before the usual frustrations of try to blog-on with poor connection signal.
Tomorrow I plan to try and get into it properly again by doing the other 6 tops to the north, leading to Callop – I reckon my knee only needs a bit of exercise now…
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Day 44 & 45 – Bugger all, and beyond
Leg like a plank of wood this morning – there was no way I was going up a hill – I could barely get out the van!
After a hearty fry-up in the local café with the gang, they all headed up Garbh Bheinn in the sun while me, Brenny and the boys headed for the beach for a couple of hours.
I paid a visit to the Belford in Ft W and Doc says nothing broken, see a physio.
My physio says ice, beer, massage, beer, drugs, beer, compression, beer…and repeat.
I will go back tomorrow and have more treatment and re-assess.
I am now more confident I will get going again maybe in another day or 2, but off course this has knocked the timescale to hell.
I will keep all you Blogaloonies posted what happens.
Fingers crossed.
Thanks to Archie for the magnificent paint job on the van!!
After a hearty fry-up in the local café with the gang, they all headed up Garbh Bheinn in the sun while me, Brenny and the boys headed for the beach for a couple of hours.
I paid a visit to the Belford in Ft W and Doc says nothing broken, see a physio.
My physio says ice, beer, massage, beer, drugs, beer, compression, beer…and repeat.
I will go back tomorrow and have more treatment and re-assess.
I am now more confident I will get going again maybe in another day or 2, but off course this has knocked the timescale to hell.
I will keep all you Blogaloonies posted what happens.
Fingers crossed.
Thanks to Archie for the magnificent paint job on the van!!
Another wee update
Day 43 – Manny’s Flying Circus comes to Strontian
More photos from Day 43...
A large tribe of Westies gathered by Loch Eil side as I road biked in to start up Stob Coire a-Chrearcail across endless bog myrtle and soft ground. Before the top was made Donald Smith, Stevie Bell, Dave Rogers, Chris , Johnston, Ellie, JD and Don were all well spread out across the hill, with Shona and Brenda on van duties far below. I maybe lingered a bit too long on the top for photos and chat and got really cold before trotting off into the glen and meeting the van by Loch Linnhe. Communal feeding ensued before I once more took to the road with a good easterly tail wind helping me along. I got a great surprise at Cona Glen where Dave “Snake” Riach & Steffan “Herr” Gorgas were lying asleep on the grass road verge! Great company they kept me going down into Ardgour, Steffan in particular tramping along on quite a clunky mtb and up that last big hill – thanks for the beer Steff!
After considerable faffing about which was the optimum route, we climbed one of my favourite hills Creach Bheinn with epic views up & down Loch Linnhe. A quick down & up to Fuar Bheinn, then off towards Strontian with Brenny having cleverly suggested that she would get JD to humf my mtb up a zig ziggy track that seemed to go well up the hill. Great, that would save my once again aching left leg a jarring descent. Ho ho! After a very rough flog to find the track/bike, I set off down on the bike with the track rapidly becoming much steeper and extremely loose! I had thankfully killed my speed by the first hairpin bend, but as Ellie & Chris stepped aside and turned to let me pass, my front wheel turned in the gravel and I went straight over the bars Superman style! I landed with a crunch and an “Ouch, that hurt a bit”. The left knee was mashed. Blood ozzing from various scratches and feeling like death I freewheeled slowly down the rest of the hill to the van before a very painful couple of mile road bike to Strontian shops. My knee was swelling rapidly and hurt like hell, but with a good stock of drugs and food I set off up Beinn Resipol with Stevie, Chris, Dave, Ellie, Brenny & Donald. I took forever hobbling uphill but was not looking forward to the descent! The view from the top to mark Chris’s last Corbett was special. The low sun across Eigg & Rhum and Harris & Skye in the distance. WOW! That is the nights you remember for ever – unfortunately I will also remember it as the most painful, slow walk I have ever done. 5 hours!! Bloody hell, off the hill at last at 11.30pm. Depressed, very sore, food, beer, bed. Not looking good all of a sudden!
Day 42 - 4 Seasons in 15 minutes!
Hi all, just catching up on a missing day with Don Reid acting as pacer and councillor at the same time, with the distinct turn to colder weather and heavy showers my head took it bad, real bad. The heavy showers were easy to spot rolling in but this didn't help they hit hard & cold. We set not a bad pace over rough ground and topped out Ben Tee in quick time before a steep slippy drop off the back and traversed over very course ground to reach Meall na h-Eilde and a tough climb to lose the soft ground behind. Once on the ridge Don looked back to ask me something, but instead looked past and exclaimed "OH FLIP!!!" (or to that effect) I turned to follow his gaze and saw a jet black wall approaching us at high speed. Within minutes we were enveloped in thick clag and hail started to fall in huge sweeps. The temperature plummeted and the hail changed to thick heavy snow, sticking to everything. After what seemed eternity to frozen toes, it cleared and as the next patch of blue sky whizzed over the temperature soared again and the inch of lying snow vanished as quickly as it had fallen! After a thankfully brief nip up Geal Charn we had a steady track descent back to the van on Loch Arkaig-side for a big feed and drinks supplied by Brenny & Dot as more heavy showers swept over. I opted to changed the planned route a bit here by taking a longer road bike to Glen Loy for a shorter and well trodden climb up Beinn Bhan then a seemingly never ending 6 mile hike to Meall a Phubuill in howling winds and freezing cold! A quick map check revealed we almost missed the proper top and instead had to plod down and up yet another wee lump to finally bag it! We sploshed our way down for a quick look in Glensulaig bothy before I mtb’d back the van and Don trotted in totally knackered – great effort Don, we moved a lot better in the afternoon, thanks for keeping me going there. My Mum & Dad had arrived having ferried the boys to us from Newtonmore full of sweeties, fish & chips and fizzy pop!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Day41 - Glen Roy to Kilfinnan
Another great day, although well splattered with factor 60 sun cream and a hat!
After Archie delivered us the newspapers, Brenda & I nipped up/down Carn Dearg in quick time before second breakfast then I whizzed up/down Beinn Uri...?(sorry Can t spell it) in 50 mins to find the Doughnut Queen, Dot, back in attendance with fresh supplies. Then it was a fast freewheel down through Roy Bridge to the other side of River Spean to catch Sgurr & Cruach Innse with Archie. Great trip on the mtb's fpr a fast descent back to the van, and finished the day with a hours road bike to Killfinnan.That's me finished this side of the Great Glen!
My apologies for rubbish spelling and attention to detail, but my 14oz sirloin steak has just arrived at the table in the fine Stonlossit Hotel, with a superb pint of Atlas Brewerys Equinox, so must dash.
Love to all
After Archie delivered us the newspapers, Brenda & I nipped up/down Carn Dearg in quick time before second breakfast then I whizzed up/down Beinn Uri...?(sorry Can t spell it) in 50 mins to find the Doughnut Queen, Dot, back in attendance with fresh supplies. Then it was a fast freewheel down through Roy Bridge to the other side of River Spean to catch Sgurr & Cruach Innse with Archie. Great trip on the mtb's fpr a fast descent back to the van, and finished the day with a hours road bike to Killfinnan.That's me finished this side of the Great Glen!
My apologies for rubbish spelling and attention to detail, but my 14oz sirloin steak has just arrived at the table in the fine Stonlossit Hotel, with a superb pint of Atlas Brewerys Equinox, so must dash.
Love to all
Day 40 – Kingussie to the Sun(without cream!)
Jeeezuz it was hot today!
The morning started cool enough and early cloud gave the impression of good conditions for a long 24 mile hill day. Not so. After an hours 18 mile bike ride to Garva Bridge Brenda & I wandered up the first hill Meall na h-airse and it got progressively warmer until it was hot hot hot! Fine view all around but we had to part company with her back to the van for chores and me for the alleged easy option…
I actually felt really strong running across the very rough ground that separates the 1st hill and Gairbeinn then Carn Chuilin though admittedly a lot of the bogs and peat troughs were well on the way to total drought. The views from the tops today were stunning with not so much haze as yesterday and getting closer to the west coast gave very dramatic shading with layer upon layer of mountains to try and identify. Then it started to go wrong. I had a good descent toward the Corrieyairack track but after pulling myself away from the temptations of a swim in the river, I noticed I was the colour of a large Alvie strawberry! For the first time I forgot cream up before going out and I have paid the price big time! Running with burnt legs through deep heather is something exquisite indeed… I took a bad route choice to the track and then a nightmare 3 mile flogging in long grass, bog and tussocks to get to Carn Dearg. Knackered. Some comfort eating and the fine views kept me going though and the last top, another Carn Dearg, was only 30 minutes away. The final drop into Glen Roy was hellish rough and I got messed up in some gulleys, another tired mistake.
Glad to see the van and Brenda was a superstar to have dinner ready to eat when I arrived! Ahh, food, beer and aftersun – what else does one need after a day like that? Yes, more beer.
The morning started cool enough and early cloud gave the impression of good conditions for a long 24 mile hill day. Not so. After an hours 18 mile bike ride to Garva Bridge Brenda & I wandered up the first hill Meall na h-airse and it got progressively warmer until it was hot hot hot! Fine view all around but we had to part company with her back to the van for chores and me for the alleged easy option…
I actually felt really strong running across the very rough ground that separates the 1st hill and Gairbeinn then Carn Chuilin though admittedly a lot of the bogs and peat troughs were well on the way to total drought. The views from the tops today were stunning with not so much haze as yesterday and getting closer to the west coast gave very dramatic shading with layer upon layer of mountains to try and identify. Then it started to go wrong. I had a good descent toward the Corrieyairack track but after pulling myself away from the temptations of a swim in the river, I noticed I was the colour of a large Alvie strawberry! For the first time I forgot cream up before going out and I have paid the price big time! Running with burnt legs through deep heather is something exquisite indeed… I took a bad route choice to the track and then a nightmare 3 mile flogging in long grass, bog and tussocks to get to Carn Dearg. Knackered. Some comfort eating and the fine views kept me going though and the last top, another Carn Dearg, was only 30 minutes away. The final drop into Glen Roy was hellish rough and I got messed up in some gulleys, another tired mistake.
Glad to see the van and Brenda was a superstar to have dinner ready to eat when I arrived! Ahh, food, beer and aftersun – what else does one need after a day like that? Yes, more beer.
Day 39 – Aviemore to Home!!
By the time we organised bikes and faffed about it was gone 10am when myself, Luke & Peter Porteous set off on our mtbs’s up the infamous Burma Road from Lynwilg Junction at Aviemore. A grinding 2 mile climb of about 1700ft then a quick walk up & down the remainder of Geal Charn. Peters determination to keep using his biking shoes from the 1800’s came back to haunt him when the sole fell off and he had to return direct to Lynwilg instead of following me & Luke down the fabulously fast & potentially dangerous descent on the other side to the river Dulnain and then onto meet Brenda and Dot at Slochd car park. A very fast whizz on the road bike for 13 miles to Coignafearn where some twitchers were with big scopes spying a fledged Peregrine chick on a cliff edge, and let me have a wee look – magic! Luke had to depart to start his new job in Brighton the next day, but many thanks for a couple of good days on the hills on new ground. Back on mtb again and a big climb most of the way into Carn na Saobhaidhe then the last mile or so on foot in now baking heat. Hazy views at the top before a fantastic shaky descent and out almost to the big lodge, but turning south up another track for a few miles before meeting up with Dot who was taking the bike out again, while I dashed off on foot over rough ground across the watershed back to the upper Dulnain and the wee bothy that sits there. A fast pull up from the end of the track there, then cut onto the top of Carn an Fhreiceadain. A note thanks to Russell Jones for planking his mtb there in the morning. The weather had turned much colder from the north in the last hour and it was freezing on the summit so I was grateful for a very fast and bone jarring descent with numb fingers all the to the bottom and cycled back to our house!
A real team effort today, thanks to Finlay Binnie for a loan of his mtb for Luke, to Russell for his bike on the last top and especially to Dot, the Doughnut Queen, not only for taking my bike out from the back of beyond, but for the priceless tips on the tracks in Coignafearn which are not marked on OS maps!
A great day for us finished off with the good company of my 2 handsome sons Manuel & Duncan for dinner/beer & pool in the Glen Hotel.
A real team effort today, thanks to Finlay Binnie for a loan of his mtb for Luke, to Russell for his bike on the last top and especially to Dot, the Doughnut Queen, not only for taking my bike out from the back of beyond, but for the priceless tips on the tracks in Coignafearn which are not marked on OS maps!
A great day for us finished off with the good company of my 2 handsome sons Manuel & Duncan for dinner/beer & pool in the Glen Hotel.
Monday, June 1, 2009
Day 38 - The Queens View out to Meall a' Bhuachaille
Another scorcher, great!
After a delayed start (surprise surprise) myself and Luke set off from Tomintoul on mtb's for 3 miles west then on foot over rough ground to the top of Geal Charn in about 2 hours. A good feed and sycronised timer photos of us on the cairn before heading down, with Luke not feeling 100% (or even 50% I suspect) after only just flying in from NZ, and not having done any running for about 6 weeks, heading straight to Ryvoan bothy, whilst I headed down and across what must be one of the great untouched wildernesses in Scotland towards Creag Mhor. I dare any of you to try and link these 2 hills to find out...Not a trace of human hand to be seen or heard, utterly still and boiling hot. Every peat hag would reveal new wildlife hiding from the sun. Grouse exploding from my feet every 5 minutes and flapping away with fake injuries to lure me away from their clutch of tiny chicks. Deer lying down in the shade. Curlews crying in the air. Fish diving for cover in the river. A special but desperately rough place.
At last, another 2 hour flog including a twisted right ankle with much whinging and punching of the heather, I finally fought my way to the top of Creag Mhor where the chunky summit tors allowed superb views into Glen Avon, Bynack Mor, Cairngorm etc etc. I had my chit on the top and soaked it up. A fast descent, climb & descent over the Bynack path lead me to a fast ascending Alan Smith. The cunning plan of him shoving his bike up the path as far as possible for me had come unstuck when his rear mech had somehow got damaged and fell off! So an unavoidable longer trot and very brief but exciting freewheel on his undriveable bike lead me to Ryvoad bothy to meet up with Brenda, Luke, Davy Duncan, Dave from Cairngorm Runners, and then the sweaty but ever chirpy Peter Porteous and his mate Keith. We enjoyed a very relaxed plod up Meall a' Bhuachaille to the summit where Daves missus Val waited on us before gentle jog back down to Reindeer House for drinks and food. I nipped of to finish the day with a fast 8 mile bike ride to Lynwilg junction outside Aviemore, then whizzed back to Glenmore Lodge to get a long overdue massage by the ever patient Kirsty Wright - a woman who can knead your legs to dough...as long as you bring your own bite stick! Thank you Kirsty. Judy & Will had arrived had arrived at Reindeer House, sorry I had to dash off, thanks for the wine, nibbles & cakes. Hope you will be able to do a hill soon with me. Thanks to Aidy for making tea and a cracking couple of pints were had in the grand Suie Hotel, Kincraig, before retiring to bed for a bit of bloggercise - Brenda is now snoring.
Short day tomorrow, hopefully catch up with 2 handsome sons!?
After a delayed start (surprise surprise) myself and Luke set off from Tomintoul on mtb's for 3 miles west then on foot over rough ground to the top of Geal Charn in about 2 hours. A good feed and sycronised timer photos of us on the cairn before heading down, with Luke not feeling 100% (or even 50% I suspect) after only just flying in from NZ, and not having done any running for about 6 weeks, heading straight to Ryvoan bothy, whilst I headed down and across what must be one of the great untouched wildernesses in Scotland towards Creag Mhor. I dare any of you to try and link these 2 hills to find out...Not a trace of human hand to be seen or heard, utterly still and boiling hot. Every peat hag would reveal new wildlife hiding from the sun. Grouse exploding from my feet every 5 minutes and flapping away with fake injuries to lure me away from their clutch of tiny chicks. Deer lying down in the shade. Curlews crying in the air. Fish diving for cover in the river. A special but desperately rough place.
At last, another 2 hour flog including a twisted right ankle with much whinging and punching of the heather, I finally fought my way to the top of Creag Mhor where the chunky summit tors allowed superb views into Glen Avon, Bynack Mor, Cairngorm etc etc. I had my chit on the top and soaked it up. A fast descent, climb & descent over the Bynack path lead me to a fast ascending Alan Smith. The cunning plan of him shoving his bike up the path as far as possible for me had come unstuck when his rear mech had somehow got damaged and fell off! So an unavoidable longer trot and very brief but exciting freewheel on his undriveable bike lead me to Ryvoad bothy to meet up with Brenda, Luke, Davy Duncan, Dave from Cairngorm Runners, and then the sweaty but ever chirpy Peter Porteous and his mate Keith. We enjoyed a very relaxed plod up Meall a' Bhuachaille to the summit where Daves missus Val waited on us before gentle jog back down to Reindeer House for drinks and food. I nipped of to finish the day with a fast 8 mile bike ride to Lynwilg junction outside Aviemore, then whizzed back to Glenmore Lodge to get a long overdue massage by the ever patient Kirsty Wright - a woman who can knead your legs to dough...as long as you bring your own bite stick! Thank you Kirsty. Judy & Will had arrived had arrived at Reindeer House, sorry I had to dash off, thanks for the wine, nibbles & cakes. Hope you will be able to do a hill soon with me. Thanks to Aidy for making tea and a cracking couple of pints were had in the grand Suie Hotel, Kincraig, before retiring to bed for a bit of bloggercise - Brenda is now snoring.
Short day tomorrow, hopefully catch up with 2 handsome sons!?
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Day 37 - The Lecht to Tomintoul
Greetings from the toaster Bloggers!
What a magic day!! Sunny from the start and feeling surprisingly spritely after 3 very hard days on the trot, I was joined on the hills by Alan Smith, and a herd of Westies some fresh from the Slioch race yesterday, Ellie, JD, Chris, Neil & Elizabeth. We headed north very quickly to Carn Mor trig running all the way to the top and feeling great. Great views! Dropped off the hill and Alan & I picked up mtb's brought in by Chris & Neil for 5 miles to the foot of Corriehabbie Hill while the rest all ran along the same route then made short work of the top, while the bikes were taken back out again. A slight hiccup in concentration and direction led to the pack being split up in the Glen Rinnes before me & JD recalculated and found the camper parked exactly in the right spot. Roasting hot now and food and drink was noshed down before the short road bike to the foot of Ben Rinnes where a pack of me Brenda, Chris, Ellie, Tilly & Alan enjoyed a scamper up the Ben in glorious sunshine and lingered on the summit tors taking in the Moray coast views.Magic.
Alan & I road biked the 16 lovely miles back to Tomintoul, with only one brief stop to articulate the errors of a particularly bad drivers errors to him and his missus, before an outrageously good feed of Soay sausages and lamb mince washed down with fantastic Cairngorm Ale. Another good day promises tomorrow with a run with an old Westies chum, Luke, back from Kiwiland. 103 in the bag, nearly halfway...
What a magic day!! Sunny from the start and feeling surprisingly spritely after 3 very hard days on the trot, I was joined on the hills by Alan Smith, and a herd of Westies some fresh from the Slioch race yesterday, Ellie, JD, Chris, Neil & Elizabeth. We headed north very quickly to Carn Mor trig running all the way to the top and feeling great. Great views! Dropped off the hill and Alan & I picked up mtb's brought in by Chris & Neil for 5 miles to the foot of Corriehabbie Hill while the rest all ran along the same route then made short work of the top, while the bikes were taken back out again. A slight hiccup in concentration and direction led to the pack being split up in the Glen Rinnes before me & JD recalculated and found the camper parked exactly in the right spot. Roasting hot now and food and drink was noshed down before the short road bike to the foot of Ben Rinnes where a pack of me Brenda, Chris, Ellie, Tilly & Alan enjoyed a scamper up the Ben in glorious sunshine and lingered on the summit tors taking in the Moray coast views.Magic.
Alan & I road biked the 16 lovely miles back to Tomintoul, with only one brief stop to articulate the errors of a particularly bad drivers errors to him and his missus, before an outrageously good feed of Soay sausages and lamb mince washed down with fantastic Cairngorm Ale. Another good day promises tomorrow with a run with an old Westies chum, Luke, back from Kiwiland. 103 in the bag, nearly halfway...
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Day 36 - Linn of Dee - The Lecht
After a slow start this morning Brian Brennan & Alan Smith headed away with Manny for 5 hills starting with Carn na Drochaide and finishing over at The Lecht. The weather was glorious but it was another hard day as Manny was not feeling great. They all survived and Brian did the first 3 and headed back for his car at Allanaquoich. Thanks Brian for dropping off the bike and taking away all our rubbish & supplying us with lots of goodies.
Archie & Sandra managed to track me down at The Lecht while Archie swapped wheels on bikes and sorted us again after having a visit to the bike shop. Sandra brought some more Cherry cake which is going down a treat. Tilly picked me up as we organised transport arrangments before heading to Tomintoul.
We are spending the night at Alan & Tilly's where we are about to have a relaxing evening in the hot tub outside.
The plans for tomorrow is starting at Carn Mor, Corriehabbie Hill & Ben Rinnes.
Archie & Sandra managed to track me down at The Lecht while Archie swapped wheels on bikes and sorted us again after having a visit to the bike shop. Sandra brought some more Cherry cake which is going down a treat. Tilly picked me up as we organised transport arrangments before heading to Tomintoul.
We are spending the night at Alan & Tilly's where we are about to have a relaxing evening in the hot tub outside.
The plans for tomorrow is starting at Carn Mor, Corriehabbie Hill & Ben Rinnes.
Friday, May 29, 2009
Day 35 - Glen Muick to Linn of Dee
This morning he had a 12 mile road cycle from Glen Muick to Lary. (I will let him tell you about the cycle). Alan Smith then joined us for the day, so the pair headed away with their mountain bikes to do Morven with the sun out. Quick turn around – sausage rolls, stovies, cakes, ice cream, how much can he eat…. 23 mile cycle just past Braemar where they did Creag Nan Gabhar in about an hour then a 4 mile cycle to Ballater for the 3rd Corbett of the day, Morrone which they are away doing now and then it will be a 8 mile bike ride to Linn of Dee where we will set out with the mountain bikes to Whitebridge and do Sgor Mor this evening.
Tomorrow (Saturday) he is starting from Allannaquoich car park (The Punch Bowl) for a 9am start if anyone is joining him and finishing over at the Lecht where we will spent the night with Alan & Tilly at Tomintoul. By the end of tomorrow it will be 100 down & 119 to go.
Tomorrow (Saturday) he is starting from Allannaquoich car park (The Punch Bowl) for a 9am start if anyone is joining him and finishing over at the Lecht where we will spent the night with Alan & Tilly at Tomintoul. By the end of tomorrow it will be 100 down & 119 to go.
Day 34 – Glen Clova (Wheen) to Glen Muick
Brian Bonnyman arrived this morning for the day, another new face which was nice to meet. Adie also for here joining us for another day. All 3 of them headed away to start the morning with Ben Tirran while I had a drove around to Loch Lee and was told not to stop anywhere on the way as I was required to cycle the mountain bike to the end of the Loch for Manny to cycle back. I arrived in perfect timings to hand over the bike while Adie & I jogged the 3 miles back to the campervan. Quick stop for food & drink and then a quick road bike to Milden lodge for Mount Battock. Adie, Brian & Manny set off again, while I relaxed in the sun for an hour which was great. No longer where they back again, Manny was back on his bike back up to Glen Lee. Adie & Brian headed away. He had some more food & drink while I had a head start to run up to the Stables of Lee while Manny cycled in and I could take his mountain bike back. I then left him to carry on and do Conachraig while I had a 2 ½ hour drive around to Glen Muick to meet him. I arrived 20 mins in front of him. He finished about 9pm. It was a gorgeous evening.
Day 33 - Ben Vuirich - Glen Clova
I am sure Manny will update you with his usual rant.
He headed away on Wednesday morning for a 16 mile bike ride to do Ben Gulabin where Adie & Tricky joined us for the day. Davie was heading away this morning to catch another race in the evening. A short road bike for 3 miles to then to do Monanenach while I had a lovely drive around to Auchhavan to meet Adie & Manny while Tricky went to the top of Monanenach and back down the same way to collect his car. The weather has improved so he is making most of the days.
Manny then headed away again on his road bike for a 30 mile cycle to Wheen while I headed on my way to the Clova Hotel. On the way I stopped at Kirriemuir to catch the chemist, again.... I had just been driving for a couple of miles and I saw this person cycling the opposite way, so I slowed down and noticed he had a red jacket & white helmet then I realised it was Manny, I had a quick panic and thought, oh S***I am going the wrong way, but I thought no I can’t be. I then stopped and yes it was Manny going the wrong way, he came to the end of the road and no sign so he went right instead of left. I then drove away with a rather big grin and pleased that it was not me……. and carried on to the Clova Hotel where I was parked up quiet comfortable in the hotel car park sitting in my deck chair waiting for him to arrive. He arrived in at 6.30pm just in time to have dinner, pint & watch the football….
He headed away on Wednesday morning for a 16 mile bike ride to do Ben Gulabin where Adie & Tricky joined us for the day. Davie was heading away this morning to catch another race in the evening. A short road bike for 3 miles to then to do Monanenach while I had a lovely drive around to Auchhavan to meet Adie & Manny while Tricky went to the top of Monanenach and back down the same way to collect his car. The weather has improved so he is making most of the days.
Manny then headed away again on his road bike for a 30 mile cycle to Wheen while I headed on my way to the Clova Hotel. On the way I stopped at Kirriemuir to catch the chemist, again.... I had just been driving for a couple of miles and I saw this person cycling the opposite way, so I slowed down and noticed he had a red jacket & white helmet then I realised it was Manny, I had a quick panic and thought, oh S***I am going the wrong way, but I thought no I can’t be. I then stopped and yes it was Manny going the wrong way, he came to the end of the road and no sign so he went right instead of left. I then drove away with a rather big grin and pleased that it was not me……. and carried on to the Clova Hotel where I was parked up quiet comfortable in the hotel car park sitting in my deck chair waiting for him to arrive. He arrived in at 6.30pm just in time to have dinner, pint & watch the football….
Thursday, May 28, 2009
A Wee Update
Just to keep all Blog Addicts up to date since Manny seems to have better things to do. (Anyone would think he was busy rather than just swanning about the countryside)
I've recently had a report that he is standing on top of Conacraig having had sunshine all day. So that's another 5 in the bag since his last post.
We wait with bated breath for the next blog entry from the man himself, although I must say they always seem much more entertaining when he has been battered stupid by the weather. I think that's because he's never really happy unless he's having a good old whinge.
I've recently had a report that he is standing on top of Conacraig having had sunshine all day. So that's another 5 in the bag since his last post.
We wait with bated breath for the next blog entry from the man himself, although I must say they always seem much more entertaining when he has been battered stupid by the weather. I think that's because he's never really happy unless he's having a good old whinge.
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Day 32 - Feshie to Moulin Inn
Dropped off by Davy and Brenda in the jeep at the top of Glen Feshie at about 10am and a brisk walk up Leathad an Taobhain to wake up the very creaking legs, then travelled well over the very rough featureless ground to Beinn Bhreac squidging through wet peat bogs constantly. I came over the brow of a wee hummock and there were 2 eagles on the ground right in front of me – massive big things! I was scared they were going to set about me but they lumbered into the sky seemingly not too bothered by my intrusion and watched me for a while, probably deciding I didn’t have enough meat left to make a decent snack. Freezing cold NW winds made me keep moving on to stay warm, but it was clear and sunny mostly, with some massive black rain clouds passing ominously all around me, but fortunately not connecting! Another big bog hop over to Beinn Mheadhonach and a long ridge run off south to Gilberts Bridge in Glen Tilt to meet Davy & Brenny with the mtb’s then nip back into Blair Atholl for a body re-fuel. Lovely day, but it was only 3.15pm. mmm? Yeah, you guessed – crack on for another couple. I know the physio said “rest”, and the tape did help…until it fell off, but I felt I had to make use of this unseasonably good weather after a month of cats & dogs. So a quick bike wheeech into Killiecrankie (bumped into Emma & her dug, who we met at Loch Rannoch a few days previous) and up the back of Ben Vrackie and then stupidly carried on to Ben Vuirich. Mistake.It was only half way across this rough route I realised the folly - it was now 7pm and the Moulin Inn may stop serving grub at 8.30!!!. Emergency text to B instructing advanced food order while I proceeded to set the heather on fire with am insane race pace climb and descent of Vuirich, absolutely eye balls out! Crazy, just what I needed after 20 plus miles. I met Brenda, Davy and now Aidy “King of the Bens” Davis on the north side with mtb for a mad 5 mile dash to the road end for the vans, then whiz to the Moulin just in time for grub – turns out it was 9.30 last orders for grub and just as well because I had been hallucinating steak & ale pie with an Atholl Ale chaser for the last 2 hours. A good day but I think I may suffer for it tomorrow, but at least with some new company promised for the hill.
I’m away to cuddle a large Glengoyne before my coma.
Night night Blogites.
I’m away to cuddle a large Glengoyne before my coma.
Night night Blogites.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Day 31 - Dalwhinnie to Feshie
Archie beat me too it due to mince vodaphone connections.
A knackered late start again on the road bike on the dreadful A9 in minging rain and worse wind. Happy days. It improved after Drumochter when I snuck up on a John O, Groats to Lands Ender, also on a bike, but with full panniers. In the racket of the wind, rain and constant traffic he didn’t hear me and I gratefully stole about a mile and a half of draughting behind him until we hit the relative safety of the dual carriageway. I knew since he was unaware of me there was no easy way past so I shouted “Hello!” rather than just whiz past. Poor man filled his pants! He leapt out the saddle, both his feet unclipped and he did a major high speed wobble across the road with the fright!! Somehow he just held it together and we enjoyed the next 6 miles of chit chat exchanges of hopes for our different adventures. I never caught his name, (The Birmingham Biker) but good luck to you on you travels.
At the Trinafour turn off a brief feed and change of bike to the mountain variety then it was north through the Giack Pass with a now tail wind and the rain abated. Quickly covered ground to Loch Giack , and whizzed up & down steep An Dun then some lovely single track biking to the other end of the loch to climb a near vertical wall of grass to the rather disappointing tiny cairn of A’Chaornich. Another good run on the bike down the pass and a surprise to find Archie pointing his 300mm (lens) at me from Giack Lodge. Great, company for the last 2 hills. Sadly our friends Davie & Cherie McGibbon were not at home in the keepers cottage when we passed but thank you for allowing us to take our entourage of vehicles in & out the estate.( Can you freeze & post the lasagne Cherie?) Archie and I set off up Meallach Mhor and Carn Dearg Mor as the rain & thick mist set in again and we got a hearty soaking in “warm” water from the east or was it north west? mmm? Anyway it was good to be on very familiar hills with a friend to blether to and we made very short work of them descending to a high hill track in Feshie Estate to meet Davy Duncan & Brenda, having borrowed Alan Smiths jeep, and that is where I will start tomorrows trot south the Blair Atholl.
The evening was spent enjoying the sorely missed Suie Hotel bar in Kincraig for a few drinks and a magic dinner. Great beer, great food and a fine host, Mike Welding. Try it if you are ever passing folks, you won’t be disappointed.
It was off to Nethy Bridge next to see my ever patient physio Alison Robb – a woman with dangerous fingers!! “Oh God!” is not something she has said to me before in the many previous times I have visited with my varied aches and pains, but the sight of my angry red leg was enough on this occasion. After much rubbing, “ouching” and zapping, I was taped up like Blue Peter Christmas surprise and sent home to ice ice ice!!! Alison gave me the honest view that a rest day may well be required very soon to give the leg a chance, before it does not work at all, and possibly occasionally in the future too. It will be better to skip a day or 2 rather than not finish the route but I will do tomorrow as it as relatively short, and assess how the strapping does for the leg.
A knackered late start again on the road bike on the dreadful A9 in minging rain and worse wind. Happy days. It improved after Drumochter when I snuck up on a John O, Groats to Lands Ender, also on a bike, but with full panniers. In the racket of the wind, rain and constant traffic he didn’t hear me and I gratefully stole about a mile and a half of draughting behind him until we hit the relative safety of the dual carriageway. I knew since he was unaware of me there was no easy way past so I shouted “Hello!” rather than just whiz past. Poor man filled his pants! He leapt out the saddle, both his feet unclipped and he did a major high speed wobble across the road with the fright!! Somehow he just held it together and we enjoyed the next 6 miles of chit chat exchanges of hopes for our different adventures. I never caught his name, (The Birmingham Biker) but good luck to you on you travels.
At the Trinafour turn off a brief feed and change of bike to the mountain variety then it was north through the Giack Pass with a now tail wind and the rain abated. Quickly covered ground to Loch Giack , and whizzed up & down steep An Dun then some lovely single track biking to the other end of the loch to climb a near vertical wall of grass to the rather disappointing tiny cairn of A’Chaornich. Another good run on the bike down the pass and a surprise to find Archie pointing his 300mm (lens) at me from Giack Lodge. Great, company for the last 2 hills. Sadly our friends Davie & Cherie McGibbon were not at home in the keepers cottage when we passed but thank you for allowing us to take our entourage of vehicles in & out the estate.( Can you freeze & post the lasagne Cherie?) Archie and I set off up Meallach Mhor and Carn Dearg Mor as the rain & thick mist set in again and we got a hearty soaking in “warm” water from the east or was it north west? mmm? Anyway it was good to be on very familiar hills with a friend to blether to and we made very short work of them descending to a high hill track in Feshie Estate to meet Davy Duncan & Brenda, having borrowed Alan Smiths jeep, and that is where I will start tomorrows trot south the Blair Atholl.
The evening was spent enjoying the sorely missed Suie Hotel bar in Kincraig for a few drinks and a magic dinner. Great beer, great food and a fine host, Mike Welding. Try it if you are ever passing folks, you won’t be disappointed.
It was off to Nethy Bridge next to see my ever patient physio Alison Robb – a woman with dangerous fingers!! “Oh God!” is not something she has said to me before in the many previous times I have visited with my varied aches and pains, but the sight of my angry red leg was enough on this occasion. After much rubbing, “ouching” and zapping, I was taped up like Blue Peter Christmas surprise and sent home to ice ice ice!!! Alison gave me the honest view that a rest day may well be required very soon to give the leg a chance, before it does not work at all, and possibly occasionally in the future too. It will be better to skip a day or 2 rather than not finish the route but I will do tomorrow as it as relatively short, and assess how the strapping does for the leg.
Monday, May 25, 2009
Day 31 - Gaick Pass to Glenfeshie
Just a quick update to let all you Blog addicts know that the Fara was completed by Manny and Dave in sunshine last night allowing Manny to complete the 4 corbetts between the Gaick Pass and Glenfeshie today.
I joined him for the last 2, Meallach Mhor and Carn Dearg Mor and despite more peeing rain he was in good form and going strong. He was last spotted in the Suie scoffing yet more grub washed down with a couple of pints of Trade Winds in preparation for heading off for a hard time by his favourite physio to see if he can get his gammy leg sorted out.
I must say that having read reports of his leg "hinging aff" I was a bit unimpressed by the lack of limping that has been going on over the last couple of days. However when I suggested that the condition be officially downgraded to "a bit sair" I was told it merited at least a ranking of "affy sair". No doubt Alison will give a full diagnosis tonight.
Manny has promised to give a full update in his own inimitable style soon.
I joined him for the last 2, Meallach Mhor and Carn Dearg Mor and despite more peeing rain he was in good form and going strong. He was last spotted in the Suie scoffing yet more grub washed down with a couple of pints of Trade Winds in preparation for heading off for a hard time by his favourite physio to see if he can get his gammy leg sorted out.
I must say that having read reports of his leg "hinging aff" I was a bit unimpressed by the lack of limping that has been going on over the last couple of days. However when I suggested that the condition be officially downgraded to "a bit sair" I was told it merited at least a ranking of "affy sair". No doubt Alison will give a full diagnosis tonight.
Manny has promised to give a full update in his own inimitable style soon.
Sunday, May 24, 2009
Day 30 - Loch Rannoch to Dalwhinnie
This morning Dave Rogers & myself set off an hour earlier for Stob an Aonaich Mhoir as Manny, Archie & Sandra were taking their bikes as it was a tarmac road for 8 miles which meant that I could then take Manny's bike back while Manny & Dave set of for Beinn Mholach, Meall na Leitreach & The Sow of Atholl. They caught us up just 10 mins before we dumped the bikes and Manny, Dave & myself headed up Stob an Aoniach.
Then Sandra, Archie & myself cycled back to the campervan & cars and drove them to Drumochter to meet them. Dot arrived this afternoon and went up and met then at Meall na Leitreach summit before they headed off again for the Sow.
A very quick turn around forManny, (think it might have something to do with Dave being around) some food & drink and a 6 mile road cycle to Dalwhinnie where Manny & Dave then headed for The Fara with the mountain bikes for at 3 miles which will help the legs. It is a lovely night and the sun is even out.
He will start the day tomorrow with a cycle from Dalwhinnie to Dalnacadoch (A9) and mountain bike north via the Gaick Pass for An Dun & A'Chaornich.
Then Sandra, Archie & myself cycled back to the campervan & cars and drove them to Drumochter to meet them. Dot arrived this afternoon and went up and met then at Meall na Leitreach summit before they headed off again for the Sow.
A very quick turn around forManny, (think it might have something to do with Dave being around) some food & drink and a 6 mile road cycle to Dalwhinnie where Manny & Dave then headed for The Fara with the mountain bikes for at 3 miles which will help the legs. It is a lovely night and the sun is even out.
He will start the day tomorrow with a cycle from Dalwhinnie to Dalnacadoch (A9) and mountain bike north via the Gaick Pass for An Dun & A'Chaornich.
Day 29 - Loch Ossian to Loch Rannoch
Manny started Saturday from somewhere beyond the back of beyond - the Loch Ossian hostel. First Corbett of the day was Meall na Meoig, then back to the track to collect the mountain bike and meet the crew for the day. Brenda, Archie, Sandra, Davy Duncan, Dave Rogers, Chris, Ellie and me biked and jogged the short distance back to the waiting vans, manned by Ken and Christine.
Archie then did some bike maintenance on Manny's MTB while Brenda and Manny had some 'van issues'. Shortly after the oven door shattered, the 'off switch' for the van had been flicked accidentally, resulting in much confusion and consternation as the vehicle showed no signs of life. Eventually the mistake was spotted, power was restored, and Archie and Sandra sped off to look for a new oven door.
Manny decided Beinn a'Chuallaich would be the day's other summit, so Ellie and Manny biked the 15 or so miles along the loch. One thing that has been noted during Manny's tour is that he is a seriously fast cyclist as well as an outstanding hill runner, and, crouched over the tri bars, he arrived just behind the cars, ready to climb the hill.
Brian Brennan joined the party at the foot of Beinn a'Chuallaich, fresh from several hours of LAMM training in the morning and looking for more. After days of sterling support effort, Davy Duncan and Ken Rumgay sat out this ascent, leaving the 6 Westies (Manny, Brian, Dave Rogers, Chris, Ellie, me) to climb the hill together. Again Brian generously took the brunt of Manny's misanthropic tirade on the ascent. Sherpa Rogers and his ridiculously big rucksack forged their own route, but met us as the summit for photos and abuse. An enjoyably fast run down the track took us back to the warmth and hospitality of the vans, where Brenda's Tea Room was doing a roaring trade as usual. I left for home, with Manny planning to cycle back along the loch to tackle 4 Corbetts on Sunday.
I'd like to pass on my personal thanks to Davy and Christine for their hospitality during the day. It was great to meet you both, and I hope to see you again later on this amazing venture.
Archie then did some bike maintenance on Manny's MTB while Brenda and Manny had some 'van issues'. Shortly after the oven door shattered, the 'off switch' for the van had been flicked accidentally, resulting in much confusion and consternation as the vehicle showed no signs of life. Eventually the mistake was spotted, power was restored, and Archie and Sandra sped off to look for a new oven door.
Manny decided Beinn a'Chuallaich would be the day's other summit, so Ellie and Manny biked the 15 or so miles along the loch. One thing that has been noted during Manny's tour is that he is a seriously fast cyclist as well as an outstanding hill runner, and, crouched over the tri bars, he arrived just behind the cars, ready to climb the hill.
Brian Brennan joined the party at the foot of Beinn a'Chuallaich, fresh from several hours of LAMM training in the morning and looking for more. After days of sterling support effort, Davy Duncan and Ken Rumgay sat out this ascent, leaving the 6 Westies (Manny, Brian, Dave Rogers, Chris, Ellie, me) to climb the hill together. Again Brian generously took the brunt of Manny's misanthropic tirade on the ascent. Sherpa Rogers and his ridiculously big rucksack forged their own route, but met us as the summit for photos and abuse. An enjoyably fast run down the track took us back to the warmth and hospitality of the vans, where Brenda's Tea Room was doing a roaring trade as usual. I left for home, with Manny planning to cycle back along the loch to tackle 4 Corbetts on Sunday.
I'd like to pass on my personal thanks to Davy and Christine for their hospitality during the day. It was great to meet you both, and I hope to see you again later on this amazing venture.
My photos are on the Flickr site, with more to come from others.
Friday, May 22, 2009
Day 28 - Kinlochleven to Loch Ossian Youth Hostel
Day 28 - Photos
Received a call this afternoon to say that was Glas Bheinn & Leum Ulleim done and that he was heading to the Youth Hostel. It was a lovely sunny day for a change so that obvioulsy has cheared him up (thank god) and hopefully the leg will be a bit better before I join him tomorrow.
Dave Rogers was going in tonight to meet him and hopefully his Dad to join them for the evening.
I am getting collected tomorrrow morning by Archie & Sandra where we will join him at Loch Rannoch. Also Johnston, Chris, Davie & Christine are hoping to be about over the weekend.
Thanks again Ken for helping out the last couple of days.
Hopefully we can hope for some better weather for the next couple of days.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Day 27 - News from the Hood
Hello bath chums!
I took my rubber duck up Beinn a Chrulaiste this morning and we had fun rafting down to Altnafeidh for a nice cup fo tea, and bread for the duck.
A dangerous road bike down the Rio Coe and along Loch Leven side to Coalasnacon, and what's this...SUN!!! Ken Rumgay had now joined the Magic Roundabout and was given a good talking to by Miss Brenda on full van instructions and how to go shopping in the brief interludes between hills. Then Dot whisked Brenny away home to sort out some other business for a few days whilst I enoyed a warm, yes warm, ascent of Garbh Bheinn and lots of lovely views and photos - HURRAY! Wait...wot's that black thing? Oh Christ! Run like there's only a pint left in the pub...too late, SPLOOSH!!
I floated gentled back to the van and paddled my bike around the loch (no, I'm not sure why i didn't just go straight across)and change out of the umpteenth set of clothes. The last hill, Mam na Gualainn was a pleasure. Good company and blethers with Ken, more views, and a good run off made it a good day after all, even if splunging wet. A mad fast cycle back to Kinlochleven to see the Doc about the duff leg and the boy was interested! He's the guy who does the blood letting on the WHWayers to check for life, so knows his stuff, and it looks like a wee strapping and stopping for 4 weeks should cure it nicely. On the otherhand I am planning flogging 14 wet miles and 2 hills to Loch Ossian tomorrow to meet the fast approaching but always late Dave Rogers and possibly my crocked back Dad, who admits that he may have got slightly carried away with his training run from Lennoxtown to Fintry...and back! Yes, before you say it - it's genetic stupidity.
Loch O means another slight fall back in timescales but given my leg is about to fall off, it is unavoidable. I can swim them but not hop them, sorry.
Lovely meal, washing, BATH, BATH, BATH at Ken & Claires house and beer and ice to cap it.
See ya Bloggers
I took my rubber duck up Beinn a Chrulaiste this morning and we had fun rafting down to Altnafeidh for a nice cup fo tea, and bread for the duck.
A dangerous road bike down the Rio Coe and along Loch Leven side to Coalasnacon, and what's this...SUN!!! Ken Rumgay had now joined the Magic Roundabout and was given a good talking to by Miss Brenda on full van instructions and how to go shopping in the brief interludes between hills. Then Dot whisked Brenny away home to sort out some other business for a few days whilst I enoyed a warm, yes warm, ascent of Garbh Bheinn and lots of lovely views and photos - HURRAY! Wait...wot's that black thing? Oh Christ! Run like there's only a pint left in the pub...too late, SPLOOSH!!
I floated gentled back to the van and paddled my bike around the loch (no, I'm not sure why i didn't just go straight across)and change out of the umpteenth set of clothes. The last hill, Mam na Gualainn was a pleasure. Good company and blethers with Ken, more views, and a good run off made it a good day after all, even if splunging wet. A mad fast cycle back to Kinlochleven to see the Doc about the duff leg and the boy was interested! He's the guy who does the blood letting on the WHWayers to check for life, so knows his stuff, and it looks like a wee strapping and stopping for 4 weeks should cure it nicely. On the otherhand I am planning flogging 14 wet miles and 2 hills to Loch Ossian tomorrow to meet the fast approaching but always late Dave Rogers and possibly my crocked back Dad, who admits that he may have got slightly carried away with his training run from Lennoxtown to Fintry...and back! Yes, before you say it - it's genetic stupidity.
Loch O means another slight fall back in timescales but given my leg is about to fall off, it is unavoidable. I can swim them but not hop them, sorry.
Lovely meal, washing, BATH, BATH, BATH at Ken & Claires house and beer and ice to cap it.
See ya Bloggers
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Day 26 - Glen bloody Etive
So far my attempt to swim the Corbetts has been successful but I think my aqua endurance is now getting very low!
A first delayed (because I was on strike)and then predictably very wet and slow flog up & down an incredibly slippy Beinn Trilleachan in 2,40! was not a good start to the day, but thankfully done in the company of Davy who kept me going at good pace and with good chat to distract me. Brenny knew the moral was dangerously low so on our return it was a delight to find sausage bacon & eggs on the go!!! Hurray!!
A very extended break to dry out and feed like no tomorrow was had as wave after wave of filthy weather poured over the van. God.
Davy had to leave us again (Bog & Burn racing tonight in Perth!) and I eventually had to get my back side out the van and bike up the road a wee bit before tackling Steep Stob Dubh & Beinn Mhic Chasgaig with another brief shower just to keep me on my toes, but thanfully the clouds slowly lifted and I even managed to get my shirt off for 20 minutes to air my scales. Brenda and Dot managed to squeeze in a trip to Glencoe for shopping - of course! and returned in time for me to flounder off the 2 smashing hills and at last a nice view all around, if not the bigger Munros.
A slithering drop north off BMC and an refreshing wade across the River Orchy, only just avoiding a dooking, let me finish the day with a short ride to Kingshouse, to have dinner and beer in comfort. Ken and Claire Rumgay from Kinlochleven joined us for a few hours to plot the next couple of days and possible medical/vet treatment for me. A very large bag of ice was procured from the bar, which is strapped to my now swollen left leg. I will have to rejig the next couple of days to suit leg/logistics/weather/National Lotto.
Night night.
A first delayed (because I was on strike)and then predictably very wet and slow flog up & down an incredibly slippy Beinn Trilleachan in 2,40! was not a good start to the day, but thankfully done in the company of Davy who kept me going at good pace and with good chat to distract me. Brenny knew the moral was dangerously low so on our return it was a delight to find sausage bacon & eggs on the go!!! Hurray!!
A very extended break to dry out and feed like no tomorrow was had as wave after wave of filthy weather poured over the van. God.
Davy had to leave us again (Bog & Burn racing tonight in Perth!) and I eventually had to get my back side out the van and bike up the road a wee bit before tackling Steep Stob Dubh & Beinn Mhic Chasgaig with another brief shower just to keep me on my toes, but thanfully the clouds slowly lifted and I even managed to get my shirt off for 20 minutes to air my scales. Brenda and Dot managed to squeeze in a trip to Glencoe for shopping - of course! and returned in time for me to flounder off the 2 smashing hills and at last a nice view all around, if not the bigger Munros.
A slithering drop north off BMC and an refreshing wade across the River Orchy, only just avoiding a dooking, let me finish the day with a short ride to Kingshouse, to have dinner and beer in comfort. Ken and Claire Rumgay from Kinlochleven joined us for a few hours to plot the next couple of days and possible medical/vet treatment for me. A very large bag of ice was procured from the bar, which is strapped to my now swollen left leg. I will have to rejig the next couple of days to suit leg/logistics/weather/National Lotto.
Night night.
Day 25 - Creran to Etive
After a quick 3 mile bike to Ellric car park, Paul Raistrick joined me for the first awful steep flog up through deep old & new bracken in a wooded hillside just carpeted in bluebells, which made a gorgeous scene, but hell to wade through! Once on the open hillside and a cold heavy shower, we made good time over to Fraochaidh (strangely not that heathery!) delayed only slighly with a bit of obedience training for Pauls giant dog, Dhu...or "DHUUUUUUUU" as the run went on! Great craic but paul had to cut off back down Glen Creran after a few more miles leaving in the nick of time before the rain tap was turned on virtually for the rest of the route. Some contouring and fiddling through rubbish ground was required to get onto the steep final climb up Meall Lighiche, where Donald had kinly waiting out some cold wet weather waiting for me to show and feed me coffee and sandwiches then aescorted me down the hill a bit before heading off back down to glen Etive, whilst I fought over an inconvenient Munro top and some hellish wet rock descending, before the final killer steep grass climb up Beinn Maol Chuluim, all done in the pouring rain and very thick clag. Utterly miserable and knackering. A brief gap in the grey allowed a surprise picture or 2 before the drop into Glen Etive to meet the van. Brenda and Davy had come a good way up the hill to try and meet me but turned back again because the weather was so manky and to avoid missing me on the hill in very poor visability. A brief 4 mile bike to the loch edge then dinner and beers with Dot and Davy and several beers. Left leg hurting a lot more today...mmm?
Day 24 -Orchy to Creran
Hello blog addicts - just catching up 3 days after rubbish west coast signals...
A very late start of about 10am but then a quick trot up forest tracks and nip up & down Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh in the mist yet again, but a lovely fast 2 mile escape on my MTB kindly pushed up to the edge of the trees by Donald Smith. Davy Duncan had come back to join us again for a couple of days between racing. A good feed and off on the bike for 9 miles to Dalmally then an out & back flog in rain and thick mist up the seemingly never ending Beinn a Bhuird. West coast hills have a hellish tendancy to start from sea level, and be very tall!! Change to biking gear again and a sursprisingly fast 30 miles to Loch Creran side, including one of the worst ever road sufaces I have ever rattled across, nr Taynuilt. Thankfully the rain stopped and Davy saw me up the last hill of the day, Creach Bheinn...in mist again. Brenda & Donald had shoved my MTB up the corrie about 1200ft and I had a fast, and very entertaining ride to the bottom, only just avoiding the deluge which near drowned the other 3 still coming off the hill! Noticed my left leg hurting a bit. A long day.Snore.
A very late start of about 10am but then a quick trot up forest tracks and nip up & down Beinn Mhic Mhonaidh in the mist yet again, but a lovely fast 2 mile escape on my MTB kindly pushed up to the edge of the trees by Donald Smith. Davy Duncan had come back to join us again for a couple of days between racing. A good feed and off on the bike for 9 miles to Dalmally then an out & back flog in rain and thick mist up the seemingly never ending Beinn a Bhuird. West coast hills have a hellish tendancy to start from sea level, and be very tall!! Change to biking gear again and a sursprisingly fast 30 miles to Loch Creran side, including one of the worst ever road sufaces I have ever rattled across, nr Taynuilt. Thankfully the rain stopped and Davy saw me up the last hill of the day, Creach Bheinn...in mist again. Brenda & Donald had shoved my MTB up the corrie about 1200ft and I had a fast, and very entertaining ride to the bottom, only just avoiding the deluge which near drowned the other 3 still coming off the hill! Noticed my left leg hurting a bit. A long day.Snore.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Day 23, part 2 - free the Tyndrum 5 !
…continuing from Part 1
Day 23 - Photos
Manny and myself said our goodbyes and headed off from the summit of Beinn Odhair …stopping almost immediately to check the map. Despite being perfectly clear, it was too long a day to make an “opps” at the start! The descent was not only long but steep down to the bealach and it seemed a same to lose around 450m of height but we agreed that section was far better being done early rather than at the end of the route. The climb up to Beinn Chaorach was actually alright …steep enough to justify going slowly. Once on the summit we got a rather “iconic” photo on top of the trig point and I mean on top of it. Think of the “Christ The Redeemer” Statue above Rio De Janeiro or the Angel of the North just outside Newcastle and you will get the idea.
We then moved onto the 3rd summit of the day and as we trotted down the ridge, I got the full story of “Manny vs the Borders Farmer” – I agree that we should have a club run on the same hill with multiple vehicles all legally parked close in the same layby. Arriving on the summit of Carn Chreag I managed to put a bit of doubt into the mind …”were we at the right cairn”. We briefly headed along the southeast ridge before looking back and deciding we were correct after all. Quick retrace of the route before another long descent towards the watershed below Beinn nam Fhuaran. One thing I have learned about the Corbetts, is each mountain really is a separate mountain (unlike many Munros where you sometimes can get multiple summits with minimal effort). It was here we met the only other folks out on the hill – a lovely older couple who commented that we had caught up with them rather quickly (they are obviously easily impressed since my legs were going into that loupin sair phase preventing anything like bold descending). The steep climb back up the other side exposed the lack of kCal and a wee piece / drink was in order. Manny had a brief sprint after a bar wrapper which had decided to head towards Ben Dorain – not what was needed at this point in the day. We arrived at the cairn and had some fun taking another summit pic via the self timer on the camera (funny what can go wrong in 10 seconds). If the ascent was steep, the descent was equally brutal but thankfully also fairly short. The last climb of the day to Beinn a Chaisteil was longer than necessary…not for any other reason than we were both getting tired (please note I had no excuse for feeling like this having done next to bugger all during the week). With the trudge over it was time for one last silly summit pic! Rather than risk an impromptu scramble through the crags of Creagan Liatha we ran down the long grassy ridge before dropping down to the track where Donald was meeting us with Manny’s mountain bike. Main topic of conversation coming down the ridge was campervans – I found myself for the second week in a row suffering from serious campervan envy (not helped by Donald’s very smart VW complete with kayak and bike racks ….I NEED WAN). Donald had very kindly brought in cans of Fanta which certainly helped for the last few miles. Whilst Manny sped off into the distance to meet Brenda and a road bike for the last spin down Glen Orchy, Donald and I had a slow trot back out to his camper. I retrieved my car and we all headed to the Bridge of Orchy hotel for some rehydration. It seemed a shame to drive south …
Don’t know about anyone else but this blog is getting to be a bit addictive – kinda like Eastenders but for real! Maybe we should produce an omnibus edition to enjoy on a Sunday afternoon ?!?!?

Rio has nothing on oor Manny - "Demon of the Corbetts"
Day 23 - Photos
Manny and myself said our goodbyes and headed off from the summit of Beinn Odhair …stopping almost immediately to check the map. Despite being perfectly clear, it was too long a day to make an “opps” at the start! The descent was not only long but steep down to the bealach and it seemed a same to lose around 450m of height but we agreed that section was far better being done early rather than at the end of the route. The climb up to Beinn Chaorach was actually alright …steep enough to justify going slowly. Once on the summit we got a rather “iconic” photo on top of the trig point and I mean on top of it. Think of the “Christ The Redeemer” Statue above Rio De Janeiro or the Angel of the North just outside Newcastle and you will get the idea.
We then moved onto the 3rd summit of the day and as we trotted down the ridge, I got the full story of “Manny vs the Borders Farmer” – I agree that we should have a club run on the same hill with multiple vehicles all legally parked close in the same layby. Arriving on the summit of Carn Chreag I managed to put a bit of doubt into the mind …”were we at the right cairn”. We briefly headed along the southeast ridge before looking back and deciding we were correct after all. Quick retrace of the route before another long descent towards the watershed below Beinn nam Fhuaran. One thing I have learned about the Corbetts, is each mountain really is a separate mountain (unlike many Munros where you sometimes can get multiple summits with minimal effort). It was here we met the only other folks out on the hill – a lovely older couple who commented that we had caught up with them rather quickly (they are obviously easily impressed since my legs were going into that loupin sair phase preventing anything like bold descending). The steep climb back up the other side exposed the lack of kCal and a wee piece / drink was in order. Manny had a brief sprint after a bar wrapper which had decided to head towards Ben Dorain – not what was needed at this point in the day. We arrived at the cairn and had some fun taking another summit pic via the self timer on the camera (funny what can go wrong in 10 seconds). If the ascent was steep, the descent was equally brutal but thankfully also fairly short. The last climb of the day to Beinn a Chaisteil was longer than necessary…not for any other reason than we were both getting tired (please note I had no excuse for feeling like this having done next to bugger all during the week). With the trudge over it was time for one last silly summit pic! Rather than risk an impromptu scramble through the crags of Creagan Liatha we ran down the long grassy ridge before dropping down to the track where Donald was meeting us with Manny’s mountain bike. Main topic of conversation coming down the ridge was campervans – I found myself for the second week in a row suffering from serious campervan envy (not helped by Donald’s very smart VW complete with kayak and bike racks ….I NEED WAN). Donald had very kindly brought in cans of Fanta which certainly helped for the last few miles. Whilst Manny sped off into the distance to meet Brenda and a road bike for the last spin down Glen Orchy, Donald and I had a slow trot back out to his camper. I retrieved my car and we all headed to the Bridge of Orchy hotel for some rehydration. It seemed a shame to drive south …
Don’t know about anyone else but this blog is getting to be a bit addictive – kinda like Eastenders but for real! Maybe we should produce an omnibus edition to enjoy on a Sunday afternoon ?!?!?
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Day 23, part 1 - Beinn Odhar
Manny was aiming to cover the group of 5 Corbetts north of Tyndrum today, and a breezy sunny morning saw the team head off to take the first summit, Beinn Odhar.
Donald Smith had joined the party last night, and accompanied us on a gently paced ascent, with the full Gorman squad of Manuel, Duncan and Brenda out today. Graham Kelly and I had also made the early start from Glasgow for this one. I only found out the order of play at about 23:30 last night when I saw yesterday's blog entries, so decided to join in for the easier summit at the start of the day and go back to catch up on sleep later on.
After taking in the fine views from the summit, Graham and Manny headed off to tackle the rest of the day's business (more of that later, no doubt), while Donald, Brenda, Manuel, Duncan and me descended back to our start point, with Donald staying around to assist on bike logistics for later in the day. I wrestled my iPhone back from Manuel, and made a bolt for home.
I look forward to seeing Graham and Manny's comments on Part 2. Hope it went well guys, and I hope to join you again on Saturday.
More photos online at http://picasaweb.google.co.uk/Johnston.Orr/BeinnOdharWithManny and I'll try to get them into the Flickr account soon.
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