This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.

Manny's 70 Day Schedule

The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.

"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)

Friday, June 19, 2009

Almost Midsummer

Well another Friday and so the end of week eight beckons. Spoke to the Gormanator last night and he is sounding fooked, both mentally and physically. He seems to have got in and out of Knoydart unscathed, despite some big hill days, but the return to pishy weather is kicking off the mind games – there is nothing worse than when you are already jiggered, to look out the window at the heaving rain and know you’ve got to drag yir weary soul out into the storm.
When they get the time, and a pc connection, Manny and Brenda will no doubt fill in the details, but it’s that old chestnut of being so near yet so far, that seems to be rearing it’s ugly head – all the hard groundwork has been done over the last two months, and now it’s credit crunch time for the last two weeks. Needless to say, but if anyone has any spare moments over the coming fortnight, then I’m sure the pair of them will be glad of any company, whither on the hill or just bringing a brew & scone.
Keep at it Manny – when the going gets tough, the tough…


Charlie Campbell said...

ps Meant to say that Meall Dubh was dropped from yesterday's schedule, so he may just have a 'rest' day with that single hill today, before heading northwards again over Affric way.

Anonymous said...

Keep going Manny, We are looking forward to climbing Ben Loyal with you. Be strong, its only water thats falling on your head and you need water to make beer!
love Elma and Don

Charlie Campbell said...

Latest news, hot off the hill at 1.45pm, is that Meall Dubh was gubbed this morning and MMM is cracking on with the planned hills for today. It's a long toddle through to Strath Croe right enough, so no doubt a late finish will ensue. Nice one Manny, plod on!

Johnston said...

I'll be there tonight, ready to join him tomorrow. Sounds like others may be coming along on Sunday. If he's on schedule at the end of today, that'll be 75% complete.

Should also be able to get north again next Saturday night to do some hills on the Sunday, with Chris and others.

Stick in Manny, support is on its way!

Dave Calder said...

You're doing fantastic Manny, even if you are stupendously mad for dreaming this up. Absolutely brilliant insanity!
And well done to you too Brenda, you must be up for canonization soon...Saint Brenda has a nice ring to it?
I've unfortunately been away for the first part of your epic sojourn, but hopefully will be able to get up to see you towards the end of next week.
Dig in deep for the final stretch!

Archie said...

Keep it going Mr G, the weather looks set to improve next week. Hopefully I'll manage a half day and catch up with you somewhere between Torridon and Strathfarrer.