This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.

Manny's 70 Day Schedule

The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.

"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Day 17 - Inverarnan to Ledi

Sunny sunny sunny!!!
Set off at about 9am for an epic 5 Corbetts in mind, but an option to cut out early to Balquider if required. (but not) 2 hours to top fo 1st hill Beinn a Choin and glad it was in clear weather as the very complex top would have been hell to find in mist. I thought 2 hours to the next top, Stob a Choin, but in fact ended up a hard 3 hours, due mainly to an extra hill being inconveniently in the road, and I took the option to go around (an extra 2 miles onto an already 25 mile day) instead of going over the extra 1000ft. Swings & roundabouts - the glen was hellish soft long grass, untouched by human. The heat was taking a toll ( but hey, give me more!!) and it was another flog over rough ground to Beinn Stacath and feeling more than a little jaded by this point. I had a good old Complan and a roll and a bar and I was alive again. Had a great run off heading for the bottom of Ben Vane where Brenda had ran out to via Ben Ledi and was waiting toasting her buns as a RAF chopper flew over her. I had a good climb up to Vane, but the wheels started to fall off on the deceptively long drag over to Ledi. At last, at last Ledi! Now shattered and feet feeling like raw meat we toddled off the path in pain. After emergency rations, a super fast shower, and sprint to make last kitchen orders, we made it in time for dinner with Swazman and Jenny in the Lade Inn. Fantastic food and beer was had whilst catching up with them - sadly only passing through Bonnie Scotland on the way home to USA from South Africa. Look forward to catching up again properly in Sept guys. Sorry we had to go when we did but I was on the verge of passing out. A great but very hard day.


Beardy said...

Tremendous effort indeed !

Well done on getting such a huge day done.

Forecast is looking good for the rest of the week.

Graham K

Johnston said...

Fantastic work Manny! Great stuff!