This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.

Manny's 70 Day Schedule

The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.

"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Day 11 - Galloway

5th May 2009
Another day of appalling weather saw Manny drop another hill off schedule.
The plan was to complete the full set of Sheet 77 Corbetts - Shalloch on Minnoch, The Merrick, Corserine (Rhinns of Kells) and Cairnsmore of Carsphairn, but after the first 3 hills and 3.5 hours battering in the wind and rain Manny called it a day at the "Green Well of Scotland" at the foot of C-of-C.

So to get back on target tomorrow, Manny needs an early start to bag Cairnsmore, before cycling to Moffat and bagging the 3 Tweedsmuir Corbetts of Hart Fell, White Coomb and Broad Law.


Archie said...

Come on you big jessie get on with it!! If you get the next four bagged tomorrow you'll have a tail wind all the way to Arrochar on Thursday.

Your Photos on the Blog are excellent

Johnston said...

Per your request, I'll be down on Wednesday night with carpet and a drill for the van, unless anyone else can make it before then (in which case, let me know!).

The Boss said...

Keep up the good work you will do it and I agree with Archie and Sandra good photos.

Manny said...

Up early I bashed Cairnsmore of Carphairn then breakfast and straight on the bike heading to Moffat. Currently stopped in the van for lunch at Moniaive with the rain hammering down yet again, but thankfully lighter winds.Hope to get at least Hart Fell & White Coomb later on, maybe Broad Law for early tomorrow as a warm up for the 100 miler? Possibilities of a tail wind are a good incentive.

Archie said...

Update from Manny at 10:30 this morning. Cairnsmore completed and on the bike for his 50 miles to the next 3 Corbetts. He has also had time for a "major rammy" with the local farmer. Good to see he hasn't lost any of his diplomatic skills!

Archie said...

I see he just beat me with the edited version!

GrahamB said...

Sorry Many, I could have warned you about that guy but had assumed he was probably dead or annoying the inmates of the local nursing home by now. I had a run-in with him 16 years ago - - hope it gave you extra adrenaline for your run.

Beardy said...

It wont be the bike you will be needin mair like a kayak ! Anyone else noticed animals walking around in pairs today ??? Anyway, it must turn soon but in the meantime ...guid effort ...feckin good effort !

Graham K