This blog describes Manny Gorman's successful round of all 219 Corbetts in 70 days, in one continuous journey by running, cycling and sailing.

Manny's 70 Day Schedule

The Corbetts are Scottish hills between 2,500 and 3,000ft, with at least 500ft ascent on all sides.

"You're an idiot, but a truly inspirational one!" (Stuart Simpson)

Friday, May 8, 2009

Day 14 - Arrochar

Manny on The Brack
Day 14 - Photos

8th May 2009
Manny finished his cycle this morning from Old Kilpatricks to Arrochar. Charlie joined in for part of the cycle and Chris joined us at Arrochar where the pair headed off to do The Brack & Ben Donich. The sun came out for a very short spell and I am now sitting waiting for them to arrive back at Rest & Be Thankful where at present it is chucking down with hailstones, needless to say I am all cosy in the campervan with a cup of tea.


Anonymous said...

Oh-ho, Bren! Why dosen't it surprise me that you're sitting happily in the Camper, waiting for them to come back!

CU Soon,

GrahamB said...

Sorry I chickened out of a bit of the cycle run this morning. It was chucking it down first thing and I'm not as tough/daft as you guys. (Charlie has already proved he is daft!) We'll give you a wave from Ben Lomond tomorrow where we'll probably get soaked and frozen waiting for all those daft runners. The good weather starts on Sunday so you'll be able to get right into it then.

Archie said...
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Archie said...

Good to hear you're taking it easy Brenda, we'll catch up with the two of you somewhere tomorrow.

I've added some of John N's photos to photobox,link below (perhaps Chris could add the link to the front page).

Finlandia is still stormbound in Troon, the first mate reports gusts of 51.5 knots last night on the pontoon.

Manuel said...

Wooo! We can't wait to seeee you tomorrow!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep at it Manny, forecast is improving for Sun - Wed but still cool.
Fi & John

Chris said...

20 down. 199 to go!

Just back from Arrochar where Manny and I got a mighty kicking from the weather on Ben Donich.
Conditions on The Brack were fairly tame - just intermittent torrential downpours. But on Donich things got crazy. Sleet, snow and hail blowing in all directions, including vertically upwards pluming out of the coire below the summit. For several minutes movement was almost impossible as we got battered from side to side. As we staggered down to escape the elements, I could feel my left ear glowing like someone had just punched me on the side of the head.

Once back at the van I jumped on Manny's mountain bike and headed down the forest tracks from Rest and Be Thankful to Ardgarten to retrieve my car, arriving totally soaked and covered in mud. I then headed back up the road in the car to Rest and Be Thankful for a well earned cuppa in the campervan, watching the relentless downpours sweeping past.

Anonymous said...

Inspiring stuff! Keep it coming Manny. I still hope to meet up with you up here, perhaps around Glen Shiel.


Anonymous said...

keep it up manny, youve had some shitty weather. sun is shining today though!!

tom and claire